
6 tips to get rid of bloating – 6 tips to get rid of bloating

Bloating feels uncomfortable and can affect your entire daily routine. But not to worry, there are some simple home remedies and tips with the help of which you can easily debloat yourself.

Bloating is a common digestive problem that most people complain of. Bloating can be felt after eating, after drinking water, or even after waking up in the morning. In case of bloating, the stomach gets filled with air, due to which the stomach becomes swollen. In this situation you may experience pain and discomfort. Bloating feels uncomfortable and can affect your entire daily routine. But there is no need to worry, there are some common home remedies and tips, with the help of which you can easily debloat yourself, that is, you can remove the air from your stomach (how to debloat).

Dr Aditi Sharma, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics at Manipal Hospital, Ghaziabad, has suggested some ways to get rid of bloating, so let us know about this in more detail (how to debloat).

Know why the problem of bloating occurs (causes of bloating)

The most common cause of flatulence is too much gas in your stomach. This can be caused by certain foods, such as certain vegetables, fried foods, salt and fizzy drinks, or by swallowing air while eating. This could be a symptom of another digestive problem, such as irritable bowel syndrome or constipation.

Know 6 tips to get rid of bloating (how to treat bloated stomach)

1. Walk for some time

If you are feeling bloating, do not try to keep the body still at that time. Walk in the empty space around you. Physical activity keeps bowel movements regular, which helps in expelling excess gas and stool (how to debloat). If a person is feeling constipated, it is important to activate the intestines, for which it becomes mandatory to participate in physical activities. Walking provides instant relief from gas pressure, just try to walk at a brisk pace.

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By drinking lemon juice rich in Vitamin C mixed with water, the body gets antioxidants, which improves the immunity. Image: Adobe Stock

2. Add lemon to lukewarm water and drink it

Drinking warm lemon water in the morning helps stimulate digestion and reduce bloating. Lemon contains citric acid, which helps in digesting food and prevents gas formation. If you suffer from bloating daily, squeeze half a lemon in warm water in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach.

3. Have ginger tea

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory and carminative properties making it a great remedy for reducing inflammation. It aids digestion and helps reduce gas and bloating by soothing the digestive system.

Drink a cup of ginger tea every morning, apart from this, whenever you feel bloating, drinking ginger tea can prove beneficial for you. Along with this, you can chew pieces of fresh ginger, or add grated ginger to your food.

Also read: Bloating in pregnancy: Why does the problem of bloating increase during pregnancy, experts tell the reason and preventive measures.

4. Drink apple cider vinegar mixed with water

Apple cider vinegar helps stimulate digestive juices and digest food, which can reduce bloating and gas. If you feel bloating after eating, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before eating.

Stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, which helps in better digestion. Image: Shutterstock

5. Cardamom, cumin and fennel powder

Dry roast equal amounts of cardamom, cumin and fennel, and when it cools down, grind it coarsely. After that store this powder in an air tight container and take one spoon of powder as and when required. You can also take it after eating, so that the problem of bloating can be avoided.

These spices have carminative properties, which help in removing gas from the digestive track, thereby providing relief from bloating. Apart from this, by consuming it after food, it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, which helps in better digestion.

6. Warm Compress

Using warm compress can help you in reducing bloating. Warm compress increases blood circulation, which provides relief to the muscles and thus stimulates food movement and helps gas pass easily through the digestive tract. For this you can keep the hot water bottle on your stomach.

Also read: Facial Bloating: Is your skin always blotted, know how to reduce it.

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