
Adopt these home remedies to improve eyesight.

If your eyesight is getting weaker day by day and you cannot see clearly immediately after waking up in the morning, then it could be due to some common reasons, know how you can protect yourself from these problems.

Decreasing eyesight after the age of 40 is a normal process, but if this problem is increasing rapidly, then it should not be ignored. This may not just be a result of age, but it can also be a sign of many serious health problems. As we grow older, various changes occur in our eyes, but sudden and rapid loss of vision can be a symptom of an eye problem or disease. In this article we will discuss the possible causes, symptoms and treatment methods of decreased eyesight, so that you can contact a specialist at the right time and keep your eyesight safe. By paying proper information and timely attention, you can avoid eye health problems.

Due to weak eyesight

To understand this more deeply, we talked to Dr. Digvijay Singh, Ophthalmologist at Narayana Hospital, Gurugram. He says, “People often ignore the problem of weak eyesight, but if your vision weakens rapidly. If this happens, it could be a sign of several possible causes, and you should not take it lightly. Eyes may be affected due to the following reasons:

Refractive errors

This is a condition when the eyes are unable to focus properly on what they see.


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These problems can often be corrected through glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. The most common causes of blurred vision are.

Dry Eyes

Another common cause is dry eyes. If your eyesight improves when you blink, you may have dry eyes. Dry eye syndrome can cause a crusty condition. Apart from this, it can also cause itching, redness and pain. It is treated with the use of artificial tears.Also read: World Eyesight Day: For eye health, you should remove the glasses of illusion, here is the truth of 9 myths.

Age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of vision loss in the elderly. This condition affects the part of your eyes that is able to see most clearly and clearly. When we look at something directly, such as reading a book or recognizing a face, we use central vision. Due to which you are not able to see things right in front of your eyes. It can affect one or both eyes.


When the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and dim (difficult to see), cataracts develop. This can happen in one or both eyes. This may result in loss of site income. When you look at a light in the dark, you may see light circles around it.

Cataract: A sign of vision loss, recognize and get treatment at the right time!”


Glaucoma is caused by an accumulation of fluids in the eye, which puts pressure on the optic nerve. Damage to the optic nerve can result in blindness.

Optic Neuritis

Optic neuritis means inflammation and irritation in the optic nerve of the eye. This swelling may cloud the eye site. , It may also result from another condition, such as multiple sclerosis. Optic neuritis usually occurs in one eye, but it can also occur in both eyes.

genetic causes

Some problems surround you because they have been a part of your family history. Some genetic problems can damage the optic nerve. This is a less common cause of low vision.

Scarred cornea

Vitamin A deficiency can cause scars on your cornea. This situation can usually be corrected.

“There may also be some unusual causes like stroke or temporary ischemic attack (TIA), extremely high blood pressure, hyphema (bleeding inside the eye), retinal detachment, infection in the eye and its tissues, migraine, eye injury.”

Symptoms of these problems

These are some of the initial symptoms of eye problems, recognizing which you should immediately contact a doctor and take appropriate treatment:

1. If you are not seeing things clearly.

2. Difficulty seeing at night.

3. Trouble when exposed to bright light.

4. Experiencing constant pain or burning sensation in the eyes.

5. Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes.

6. Appearance of black spots or floating dots in front of the eyes.

7. Difficulty in recognizing colors.

8. Watering from the eyes.

9. Headache.

10. Sometimes something seems different

Ignoring these symptoms can be harmful, so consult a specialist immediately.

If you are troubled by pain in one part, then pay attention to it. Image: Adobe Stock

Remedies for poor eyesight

Dr. Digvijay further says, “If you are facing rapid vision deterioration, then immediately get the necessary eye examination done by an expert and follow the suggestions and treatment given by the doctor. Along with this, you can also do some measures at home, like

1. Get enough rest, a good sleep is very important.

2. Avoid allergens, such as smoke, dust and pollution.

3. Always use sunglasses when going out in the sun.

4. When doing work that can harm your eyes, always pay attention to eye protection.

5. Eat a healthy diet that gives you and your eyes the vitamins and minerals you need.

6. If your eyes are feeling dry or irritated, use appropriate eye drops.

7. Drink enough water so you stay hydrated.

8.If you use computer or mobile for a long time then take a break of 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

9.Wake up in the morning and wash your eyes with cold water.

Follow these rules daily. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure or any other health problem, treat it properly. Along with this, include Vitamin A, C, E, and Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These nutrients are very important for eye health.”Also read: Improve eyesight: These 5 Ayurvedic remedies can be helpful in improving eyesight

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