
Ajwain honey tea recipe,- Ajwain honey tea recipe

Celery, which has been used for centuries for relief from acidity, also proves helpful in weight loss. In such a situation, consumption of celery honey tea is very effective. Boiling celery in water and drinking it mixed with honey boosts metabolism.

To get relief from the problem of weight gain, people often take the help of workouts and also bring many changes in their diet. To strengthen the digestive system, it is often advised to eat celery by boiling it in water or mixing it with salt. Celery, which has been used for centuries for relief from acidity, has many other benefits. The compound present in celery honey tea is an effective remedy to remove excess fat accumulated in the body. Know the method of making Ajwain honey tea and its benefits in weight loss (Ajwain-honey tea to burn belly fat).

Regarding this, dietitian Manisha Goyal says that high amounts of fiber, minerals and antioxidants are found in celery. This helps in keeping the digestive system strong by controlling the growth of bacteria in the body. Boiling celery in water and drinking it mixed with honey boosts metabolism, which helps in weight loss. Consuming it on an empty stomach burns fat easily. With this the fat level in the body can also be improved.

According to the National Library of Medicine, medicinal properties are found in celery. The amount of thymol compound and phytochemicals present in it releases gastric juices, which increases the absorption of nutrients and the fat accumulated on the stomach can be removed. Anti-bacterial, antifungal and antioxidative properties are found in celery.

Anti-bacterial, antifungal and antioxidative properties are found in celery. picture shutter stock

Know how Ajwain is effective in weight loss (Benefits of Ajwain-honey tea)

1. Boost metabolism

Drinking this superfood rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids by boiling or soaking it in water increases the amount of digestive enzymes in the body. This maintains good intestinal health and boosts metabolism. By increasing the digestion process, calorie stores in the body are reduced, which strengthens the metabolism.

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2. Hunger is controlled

The problem of craving starts causing obesity. In such a situation, the amount of niacin, potassium, calcium and protein controls appetite and makes the mind satisfied. Due to this, acidity and bloating can also be avoided. Apart from this, the thymol element found in celery protects the body from obesity. Besides, the energy level in the body remains maintained.

Apart from many recipes, celery is used to get relief from the problems of bloating, stomach ache and acidity. Image: Shutterstock

3. Prevents ulcers and indigestion

According to the National Institute of Health, with the help of celery, the problem of ulcers forming in the stomach, esophagus and small intestine can be avoided. Also the problem of gas and cramps in the stomach gets solved. Actually, consuming celery increases the production of gastric juice rapidly, which makes digestion regular and also maintains proper bowel movement.

4. Freedom from infection

According to the National Institute of Health, thymol and carvacrol present in it are two active compounds, which protect the body from bacteria and fungus. This can prevent food poisoning and stomach ache. Apart from this, it also removes inflammation. Its regular consumption increases the absorption of nutrients by removing bacteria from the body, which is beneficial in weight loss.

With the help of celery, the problem of ulcers forming in the stomach, esophagus and small intestine can be avoided. Image: Shutterstock

Know how to prepare Ajwain honey tea recipe (Ajwain-honey tea recipe)

Celery 1 spoon
honey 1 spoon
water 1 glass
a pinch of cinnamon
Lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon

Celery Honey Tea Recipe

  • To make this, soak celery in a glass of water. Now put that water along with celery in a pan and boil for some time.
  • Strain the water and pour it into a glass and add 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Consuming prepared tea on an empty stomach provides benefits to the body. Due to this, the body's immunity also starts improving.

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