Causes of Bartholin cyst,- Bartholin cyst ke karan

Women have to face the problem of Bartholin cyst due to increased wetness near the vagina, haste in removing pubic hair and unsafe sex. This problem starts increasing in women during reproductive age.

Apart from taking care of skin and hair, it is necessary to maintain vaginal hygiene regularly to boost reproductive health. This can prevent infection developing around the vagina. Many times, women have to face the problem of cyst due to increased wetness near the vagina, haste in removing pubic hair and unsafe sex. There is a risk of cyst forming on the lips covering the vagina on both sides, which also causes pain and fever. First of all let us know what is Bartholin cyst and due to what reasons this problem starts increasing.

Regarding this, Gynecologist Dr. Aswati Nair tells that due to increase in infection in Bartholin gland, cyst is formed. These glands are present on both sides of the vagina. The bulge that appears on it takes the form of a cyst. Sometimes it causes burning and pain, sometimes it is painless. This problem starts increasing due to lack of intimate hygiene, which gets cured with treatment.

According to the American Family Physician Journal, this problem starts increasing in women during reproductive age. Bartholin cyst occurs in the labia majora and is found in two percent of women in their lifetime. This pimple starts looking like a swollen cyst.

Cyst is formed due to increase in infection in Bartholin gland. These glands are present on both sides of the vagina. Image: Adobe Stock

At what age do women start having an increased risk of Bartholin cysts?

Risk of Bartholin's cyst: These are more common between the ages of 20 and 40. Also, after menopause the chances of developing Bartholin cyst decreases. Due to the growth of this lump appearing at the vaginal opening, the body temperature increases, due to which fever starts in the body.

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Signs of Bartholin cyst

  • Vaginal discharge increases and pressure is felt
  • The possibility of pain increases during intercourse.
  • Pain is experienced while getting up, sitting and walking.
  • Swelling and redness increase near the vagina.
  • increasing body pain and fever

Know the reasons due to which the risk of Bartholin cyst increases (Causes of Bartholin cyst)

1. Sexually transmitted infection

According to the NHS, Bartholin glands are two pea-sized glands found just behind the vaginal lips. When they fill with fluid, cysts start forming. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea or chlamydia increase the risk of cysts. One has to face this problem due to not taking care of hygiene after sex. In such a situation, the risk of this problem increases due to sexually transmitted infection and urinary tract infection.

2. Pubic hair trimming

Cuts made during pubic hair trimming to maintain hygiene can increase the problem of cysts. In such a situation, you can use scissors, razor and trimmer to avoid any kind of discomfort. Avoid using old blades while shaving. Apart from this, also try to shave in one go.

Avoid using old blades while shaving. Apart from this, also try to shave in one go. Image Shutterstock.

3. Not taking care hygiene

It is natural to sweat after coming from the gym. In such a situation, staying in wet clothes for a long time starts causing infection in the genitals. Due to this, itching, pain and burning sensation in the vagina increases and one has to face cyst in the vagina. Wetness due to sweat or discharge increases the problem of rashes, due to which infection in the gland increases.

4. Hormonal changes

Hormonal fluctuations cause excessive thick vaginal discharge, which affects the Bartholin gland. Due to this, pus starts forming due to blockage in the gland. If the size of the cyst increases, contact the doctor immediately.

What can be the treatment for Bartholin cyst?

1. Take a bath in warm water

Initially, if a cyst is detected during self-examination, it is advisable to take a bath in warm water. Due to this, both pain and swelling start reducing. But if the cyst is not painful, then just taking a bath with warm water starts healing.

If a cyst is detected, it is advisable to take a bath in warm water. Image: Shutterstock

2. Surgical Drainage

If the infected cyst is growing larger, it can be removed with the help of surgical drainage. In this, the doctor makes a cut in the cyst and removes the purulent fluid present in it. During this, the doctor inserts a small rubber tube i.e. catheter into the vagina. This is put for drainage for six weeks.

3. Take medicine as per doctor's advice

If cysts caused by any type of bacterial or sexually transmitted infection are detected early, doctors recommend taking antibiotics. In such a situation, avoid taking any other medicine. This reduces the problem and pus comes out.

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