
Causes of vaginal bleeding after sex – Causes of vaginal bleeding after sex

Apart from sex taboo, it is a kind of mental bankruptcy that people still associate bleeding after sex with virginity. Whereas sometimes this situation can be so dangerous that the girl may lose her life.

On September 22, a case came to light from Navsari district of Gujarat, which has proved how important sex education is. A 23-year-old girl died due to post intercourse bleeding in Navsari district. His 26-year-old friend, who was with him, kept searching for remedies on the internet instead of taking the girl to the doctor. Whereas bleeding after sex is a serious problem. Which needs immediate attention.

what is the whole matter

When a girl started bleeding after sex after intercourse in a hotel in Navsari district, her boyfriend kept searching for home remedies on the internet for hours. Whereas post intercourse bleeding should be taken care of immediately. Instead of going to the doctor, trying useless remedies proved dangerous. And ultimately the girl died due to excessive bleeding.

This whole matter has once again drawn people's attention towards the need for sex education. Sex education is not only important for good sex sessions or intercourse. Rather, it also prepares a girl and boy to know about their own and their partner's body, its problems and possible risks. Sex education also creates awareness about sexual medical care.

Ignoring vaginal bleeding after sex can prove fatal. Image: Adobe Stock

Sex taboo does not allow talking about vaginal bleeding

Till now, there is such a big taboo in our society regarding virginity that many people still consider it as proud or positive. Whereas vaginal bleeding after sex is not always normal. There can be many reasons for post intercourse bleeding. Some of these are very serious (postcoital hemorrhage). Those who require immediate medical care. Otherwise it may prove fatal.

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Keeping this issue in mind, to understand more seriously about bleeding after sex causes, Health Shots spoke to Dr. Aastha Dayal, Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram. of. The doctor has told many important things on this subject. So let us understand seriously, the reasons for bleeding after sex.

Causes of bleeding after sex i.e. due to PCB

According to Dr. Astha Dayal, “Many different factors can be responsible for postcoital hemorrhage, or bleeding after sex. Common causes include excessive friction or vaginal dryness during sexual activity. When you are not mentally prepared for sex, and are forced into it, the risk may be higher. However, after menopause, when vaginal dryness increases, this problem can still occur (bleeding after sex causes).”

You should have all the necessary information related to sex and vaginal health so that you do not face any kind of problem. Image: Adobe Stock

“Bleeding can also be caused by infections like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) like gonorrhea or chlamydia. “In some cases cervicitis, or inflammation of the cervix, may be the cause.”

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“Hormonal abnormalities may cause bleeding after sex in young women, especially if they are using birth control.” “Atrophic vaginitis, or weakening of the vaginal lining, or other abnormalities in the reproductive organs may cause bleeding in post-menopausal women.”

When can bleeding after sex become serious (bleeding after sex danger)

Astha Dayal says, “However, if you are having light spotting after intercourse and it is due to friction, then it recovers automatically. But if you are having continuous bleeding, it should not be ignored. You or your partner cannot predict your internal health. This type of bleeding requires medical attention.”

She adds, “Post coital bleeding can sometimes be a sign of more serious problems. Although uncommon, endometrial or cervical cancer can cause sudden, mysterious bleeding. “If bleeding is severe, persistent, or accompanied by symptoms such as pelvic pain, a strange discharge, or pain during sexual activity, it is essential to seek medical help.”

Endometrial or cervical cancer can be the cause of sudden mysterious bleeding. Image: Adobe Stock

What to do if you have bleeding after sex

If you have bleeding after vaginal intercourse occasionally, such as once a month, there is nothing to worry about. But do not ignore it, you have to get a normal physical examination done by your gynecologist. Which includes checking your reproductive health and pelvic health. This way it will be ensured that you do not have any kind of problem.

Apart from this, if you have excessive or heavy bleeding after sex, or it is happening repeatedly, then go to the doctor immediately without waiting. If bleeding does not stop, apply a pad and contact a doctor. Negligence regarding such serious problems can land you in big trouble.

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