Collagen boosting drinks recipe,- Collagen-boosting drinks ki recipe
Collagen boosting drinks are an effective solution to get relief from wrinkles, pigmentation and uneven skin tone that develop on the skin over time. This not only maintains the moisture of the skin but also helps in detoxifying the toxic substances present in the body.
On the occasion of festivals, people take the help of many types of remedies to enhance the glow of the skin, but they forget the lack of collagen in the skin which decreases with age. Collagen boosting drinks are an effective solution to get relief from wrinkles, pigmentation and uneven skin tone that develop on the skin over time. This not only maintains the moisture of the skin but also helps in detoxifying the toxic substances present in the body. Know 4 recipes of collagen-boosting drinks to make skin glowing during the festive season.
Collagen is a protein found in the skin, due to which the level of melanin in all three layers of the skin starts decreasing. Consumption of berries, green vegetables and citrus fruits is very beneficial to maintain natural collagen levels.
According to the report of International Journal of Dermatology, the body gets vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, coenzymes, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate from collagen intake. Collagen supplements with high concentrations of the peptides Prolylhydroxyproline and Hydroxyprolylglycine appear to improve skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkles and roughness.
Get relief from the effects of aging by consuming these collagen boosting drinks (Collagen-boosting drinks)
1. Barries Protein Collagen Smoothie
To make it we need
Yogurt 1 bowl
Frozen Berries 1 Bowl
Vanilla essence 1/2 teaspoon
banana 1
Peanut Butter 1 tsp
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Learn how to make Berry's Protein Collagen Smoothie
- Pour probiotic-rich yogurt into a jar and blend it with 1 bowl of frozen berries. Now add banana to the prepared mixture.
- Add vanilla essence to the prepared smoothie and add peanut butter along with it. Add ice cubes to dilute the consistency of this mixture.
- Once the smoothie is ready, garnish with chia seeds and chopped berries and serve. You can consume it twice a day.
2. Cucumber pineapple drink
To make it we need
Cucumber 1 cup
Frozen pineapple 1 cup
coconut water 2 cups
Mint leaves 4 to 5
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
salt as per taste
Learn how to make Cucumber Pineapple Drink
- Peel the cucumber, which is rich in silica and antioxidants, cut it into pieces and keep it aside. Now blend frozen pineapple with cucumber.
- Mix coconut water in the prepared juice and add ice cubes and stir for some time. You can add salt to enhance the taste.
- After the juice is ready, garnish with mint leaves and lemon juice and serve.
3. Kiwi, Orange, Carrot Delight
To make it we need
Kiwi 1 cup
Orange 1 to 2
Carrot pieces 1 bowl
1 inch piece of ginger
honey 1 spoon
Ice cubes 1 bowl
Learn how to make Kiwi, Orange, Carrot Delight
- Fruits rich in vitamin C and amino acids help in repairing the skin texture. For this, put the kiwi pieces in a blender.
- After the kiwi is blended, add orange and carrot pieces to it. Add one inch piece of ginger in it and stir again
- Add ice cubes to the prepared juice. After that add 1 teaspoon honey to enhance the taste.
4. Pomegranate coconut collagen drink
To make it we need
Pomegranate seeds 1 cup
Beetroot 1/2 cup
coconut water 1 glass
Flax seeds 1 teaspoon
salt as per taste
Learn the recipe for Pomegranate Coconut Collagen Drink
- To make this, blend pomegranate seeds and beetroot. Now add coconut water to it and stir again.
- Since beetroot juice is thick, add ice cubes to dilute its consistency.
- Add salt to the prepared juice and add flax seeds to it and serve.