Consumption of tomatoes during periods,- Consumption of tomatoes during periods

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and women require more of this soluble vitamin during periods. Consuming tomatoes provides relief from period pain by reducing swelling in the body.

The contractions in the uterus during periods start causing pain. In such a situation, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps in controlling hormonal imbalance and preventing inflammation. One of these fruits and vegetables is tomato, which helps in relieving menstrual cycle problems. Consuming tomatoes provides relief from period pain by reducing swelling in the body. It contains high amounts of potassium and water, which can relieve cramps. Although tomatoes have many benefits (tomatoes in period), it can also have disadvantages for some people.

Is tomato beneficial for health

Tomatoes contain high amounts of antioxidants like lycopene. This can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke. Apart from this, amount of Vitamin C is found, which helps in keeping the immune system strong. Besides, collagen production is also promoted. People who regularly consume tomatoes have reduced risk of cholesterol and high blood pressure. Lycopene present in tomatoes provides relief from prostate, lung and stomach cancer.

Tomatoes contain high amounts of antioxidants like lycopene. This can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke. Image: Adobe Stock

How tomatoes prove beneficial during periods

1. Rich in anti-inflammatory properties

Nutritionist Garima Goyal explains that with the help of lycopene, body cells can be protected from oxidative damage. It also helps in reducing inflammation by reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines. Deficiency of these compounds that increase the inflammatory response leads to mild swelling in the pelvic area, which reduces pain during menstruation. In case of inflammation in the body, prostaglandin hormones are released which cause uterine contractions and menstrual pain. Tomatoes prove to be helpful as they are rich in Vitamin E.

According to research in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, female participants who took vitamin E supplements for five days during their menstrual cycle reduced the duration and severity of cramps.

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2. Necessary for iron absorption

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and women require more of this soluble vitamin during periods. During this period, its requirement increases due to the release of iron from the body. Due to this the person remains lethargic and restless. In such a situation, include iron-rich foods in your diet. Actually, Vitamin C helps in better absorption of iron. According to the report of Indian Journal of Medical Research, Vitamin C converts ferric iron into ferrous iron and increases its absorption. This can protect the body from inflammatory reactions. This reduces menstrual cramps and pain.

Vitamin C converts ferric iron into ferrous iron and increases its absorption.

3. Relax the muscles

Tomatoes are rich in potassium, which helps in the functioning and strengthening of muscles. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of tomato contains 287 mg of potassium. In women, due to menstruation, the muscles of the uterus start shrinking more. Eating potassium-rich tomatoes helps control such muscle contractions and reduces the pain felt during menstruation. Due to this, electrolyte balance is maintained in the body and the amount of sodium also remains regular.

4. Strengthen gut health

Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation prove to be the cause of constipation, which increases pressure on the stomach. Due to this, cramps and pain persist in the body. The high amount of fiber found in tomatoes helps in maintaining regular bowel movements. Tomato consumption affects the gut microbial profile, reports Microbiology Spectrum. The amount of fiber found in tomatoes keeps the gut bacteria balanced, thereby controlling prostaglandin levels. Also, menstrual cramps and pain start reducing.

To balance period pain, consume tomatoes in this way

  • The body gets nutrients from tomato juice. To avoid water retention and bloating in the body, avoid mixing salt and sugar in it.
  • Its consumption as advised proves beneficial. Serve it in valade with cucumber and lettuce. Olive oil and herbs can also be added to it.
  • Tomato soup is also easy to digest and absorb. This is a very effective solution for weight loss.
  • Apart from this, tomato chutney can also be prepared at home. It can be served with pasta, pizza and toast. Limit use of salt to avoid water retention.
Tomato soup is also easy to digest and absorb. This is a very effective solution for weight loss.

How many tomatoes can you eat in a day

According to experts, one can consume 1 to 2 medium sized tomatoes in a day. This provides benefits to the body like vitamins, antioxidants and hydration. Consuming more acidic food increases the risk of acidity.

Know the side effects of excessive consumption of tomatoes during period pain.

1. Acid Reflux or Heartburn

Tomatoes are acidic foods, which can trigger acid reflux or heartburn in some people. Acidic foods like tomatoes can increase stomach discomfort during periods.

2. Gastrointestinal problems

Excessive amount of fiber present in tomatoes can lead to problems like bloating, gas or diarrhea. In fact, during periods the digestive system may become more sensitive than before. In such a situation, eating tomatoes in large quantities can cause harm.

3. Increased sensitivity

Vegetables like tomatoes prove to be harmful for people suffering from migraine. This can make the pain more severe.

4. Risk of kidney stones

Tomatoes contain oxalates which are proven to cause stones in kidney stone sufferers. However, moderate intake is generally safe for most people.