Control nausea with these yogasanas,- Control nausea with these yogasanas
Medicines and home remedies are usually used to resolve nausea. Practicing some easy yogasanas helps in keeping the body balanced. Do these yoga asanas to relieve nausea
Often one has to face nausea during festivals due to overeating, food allergy, eating contaminated or unhealthy food items. Due to this, problems of vomiting, stomach ache and morning sickness persist. Usually, the help of medicine and home remedies is taken to solve this problem. Practicing some easy yogasanas helps in keeping the body balanced. Let us know with the help of which yogasanas the problem of nausea (yoga for nausea) can be controlled.
Regarding this, yoga expert Dr. Garima Bhatia tells that one has to face nausea due to many reasons in the body. Due to this, lack of energy is felt and digestion starts slowing down. Yogasanas help in keeping the body balanced. With their help, digestion is boosted (tips to boost digestion) and blood circulation starts improving. Practice these yogasanas regularly to relieve stress and anxiety.
1. Viparitakarani Asana (Legs up the wall pose)
The help of a wall is taken to perform this Yogasana which is done to keep the body relaxed and balanced. Due to this, blood circulation in the body starts increasing and the problem of nausea starts getting resolved. By doing this yoga asana, blood circulation in the brain increases. Also, the entire weight of the body rests on the shoulders.
Learn the method of doing Viparitakarani Asana
- To do this, lie down on the ground on your back. Now straighten both the legs from the knees and keep them joined together.
- Now rest your hands on either side of your waist and move your legs upward. If you want, you can do this yoga asana with the help of a wall.
- Rest both hands on the ground and take a deep breath. Remain in this posture for 30 seconds and maintain control over breathing.
- Now bring the legs down and leave the body loose. Practice this yoga asana twice a day.
2. Bound angle pose
To increase physical capacity, practice Baddhakonasana. By doing this yoga asana, the abdominal muscles start getting stretched. Due to this, the energy level in the body starts increasing and metabolism starts getting boosted.
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Learn the method of doing Baddhakonasana
- To do this yoga asana, sit straight on the mat and keep your waist straight. Keep both the legs towards the front.
- Bend both the legs at the knees and bring them inward and join both the feet together. Now hold the feet with palms.
- Keep your waist straight and take deep breaths. Also maintain control over breathing. During this, move the legs from top to bottom.
- By practicing this yoga as per the capacity of the body, the body remains active and healthy.
3. Bridge pose
By practicing this yoga asana while lying on the back, flexibility in the body increases. With this, the problem of increasing hormonal imbalance can be reduced. This maintains blood flow in the body and helps in stimulating the pituitary gland.
Learn the method of doing Setubandha Yogasana
- To do this yoga asana, lie down on the ground on your back. Now bend both the legs at the knees and maintain normal distance.
- Now lift the body upward from the waist and keep both the arms on the ground. Keep your shoulders on the ground.
- After remaining in this posture for 30 seconds, leave the body loose.
4. Shalabhasana (locust pose)
By doing this yoga asana, the strength of the back starts increasing. Apart from this, blood flow in the body remains regular. By doing this yoga asana on the stomach, the strength of the stomach muscles increases and the body remains healthy.
Learn how to do Shalabhasana
- To do this yoga asana, lie down on your stomach and raise your legs from behind. Keep the legs straight.
- After that try to lift the neck and upper part of the body. Take both the arms backwards and keep the arms straight.
- Keep your face facing forward and take a deep breath and exhale. Maintain control of breathing.
- Practice this yoga as per the capacity of the body. This strengthens the digestive system and keeps the body away from constipation and indigestion.
Also read – These 5 reasons can cause nausea and vomiting during periods, know what are the preventive measures