Diwali cleaning Mother-in-law's Diwali cleaning
Mother-in-law's Diwali cleaning: Anjana ji had married her son Avinash just a few days ago. Rekha had come to his house as a daughter-in-law.
Anjana ji took great care of the cleanliness of the house. She took care of the house very well.
One day Anjana ji called her daughter-in-law Rekha.
Anjana: Rekha You did not clean the utensils in the kitchen yesterday. It is not a good thing to leave utensils lying around at night.
Line: Mother, do you know that yesterday their friends had come for dinner? I got so tired while preparing so much food that after eating the food I went straight to sleep.
Anjana: If it was so, she would have told me and I would have cleaned the utensils.
Line: Wow, you should have seen yourself asking me to clean the utensils in front of guests, what respect would I have in front of everyone.
Anjana ji remained silent after hearing the opposite answer from her daughter-in-law.
Time was passing like this. One day Anjana ji said to Avinash
Anjana: Son, the house is getting very dirty, why don't we get the house painted before Diwali.
Avinash: Mother, you know that my loan installments are going on now. I had taken a loan for my marriage. Money will be saved only after the installments are over. This year, clean up like this.
A few days before Diwali, Anjana ji said to Rekha.
Anjana: Rekha: This time both of us have to clean for Diwali. We will clean a little bit after finishing the household work every day.
Line: Mother, I never clean my house on Diwali, my father gets it painted every year and hires laborers from outside to get it cleaned. You also bring laborers.
Anjana: Do you know that Avinash has a debt? Where will that poor fellow get so much money? Come on, we both will clean up.
Line: But mother, I cannot tolerate dust.
Anjana: Wow, this is a very good excuse, someone should learn from you. My order is that cleaning will start from today.
Defeated, Rekha starts cleaning with Anjana ji.
Anjana ji cleans one room herself and sends Rekha to another room.
Rekha closes the room from inside and sits on the bed and starts talking on the phone. While talking she loses track of time and falls asleep.
After some time Anjana ji knocks the door.
Anjana: O daughter-in-law, where are you? Did she fall while cleaning?
After a long time, Rekha opens the door.
Anjana: You were sleeping. you didn't clean
Line: No mother, I told you that I cannot tolerate dust. As soon as I started cleaning, dust entered my nose and I became unconscious. Now you knocked on the door and I regained consciousness.
Anjana ji: Rekha, I understand this truancy very well, no one becomes unconscious due to a little dust. Okay, listen, I have cleaned the other room, you can mop it.
Rekha is caught stealing and she silently goes to mop the house.
Next day Anjana ji calls Rekha and says.
Anjana: Today you have to clean the bathroom, clean all the tiles of the bathroom thoroughly. I clean the drawing room outside. Anyway, you are allergic to dust.
Rekha silently goes to clean the bathroom.
After some time, Rekha spills soapy water on the floor and lies down. And starts screaming.
Line: Aunty Aunty, I have fallen, save me.
Anjana ji goes and sees Rekha lying on the floor.
Anjana: Oh God what happened now?
Line: Mother, can't you see that I have fallen? I am hurt. Now I can't even go away.
Anjana ji leaves Rekha in her room with the support of her hand.
When Avinash comes in the evening, Rekha tells him.
Line: Listen, I fell in the process of cleaning, now I will not be able to do the work, so I told my mother to leave the cleaning and take care of the household work.
Avinash talks to Anjana ji.
Anjana: All excuses are in vain, it doesn't matter, I will do all the work.
After two days, Avinash comes home in the evening.
Avinash: Mom, I have got a bonus on Diwali. Let's go for Diwali shopping.
Anjana: Yes, it's okay, anyway the daughter-in-law can't go.
Just then Rekha comes running.
Line: Mother, I will also go, I also have to buy a lot of things.
Seeing this, Avinash and Anjana ji start laughing.
Line: Mother, please forgive me, henceforth I will stop being lazy and do all the work.
After this all three go for Diwali shopping.
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