Eat gooseberries dipped in honey for 7 benefits – Eat gooseberries dipped in honey for 7 benefits

In today's time, due to falling temperature and increasing pollution, cold, cough, cough and other flu symptoms have become a cause of trouble for people. A mixture of Amla and honey can help you in controlling these (Amla and honey benefits).

Many important nutrients are found in both Amla and honey. Their consumption has been used for years to fight seasonal infections. If taken together, they can prove to be more effective. In today's time, due to falling temperature and increasing pollution, symptoms of cold, cough and other flu have become a cause of trouble for people. A mixture of Amla and honey can help you in controlling these (Amla and honey benefits).

My mother has been trying this home remedy for seasonal infections for years. Ayurveda expert Dr. Chaitali Rathore also fully supports it (Amla and honey benefits). So let us know, how Amla and honey can be beneficial for you.

How honey and Amla are helpful in preventing seasonal infections (Amla and honey benefits)

Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, which boosts your immunity. Along with this, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties are found in honey, which help in fighting infection causing bacteria and viruses.

Phytonutrients and antioxidants present in Amla are helpful in diabetes. Image: Shutterstock

The mixture of these two strengthens the immunity, making your body fully prepared to fight seasonal infections and other symptoms of flu. If you are seriously affected by cold and cough and are sneezing frequently, then taking the mixture of Amla and honey regularly will provide instant relief.

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Benefits of mixture of amla and honey (amla and honey benefits)

1. Boost immunity

Adequate amount of Vitamin C is found in Amla, which is an antioxidant, its consumption boosts immunity. When this is combined with the antioxidant properties of honey, it becomes a powerful immunity-boosting combination. Thus it provides adequate strength and protection to the body.

2. Good for digestive health

Amla is rich in dietary fiber, which helps in digestion. While the enzymes in honey promote intestinal health. A mixture of these two can help in improving digestion. Its regular consumption reduces the risk of digestive problems in winter, and helps regulate a regular bowel movement.

3. Treat acne

The amount of Vitamin C present in Amla promotes collagen production, which keeps your skin young and glowing for a long time. The moisturizing properties and antibacterial properties of honey fight the bacteria that cause acne, pimples, etc. on the skin, and prevent them from affecting your skin.

Hormonal imbalance, inflammation, sebum production and bacterial infection start causing forehead acne. Image- Adobe Stock

4. Improve hair quality

Amla has been used for years to improve hair quality. The moisturizing properties of honey along with the vitamins present in Amla make both of them a very special remedy for hair health. When combined with honey, it potentially boosts hair quality, as well as adds shine and strength to the hair.

5. Give protection from free radicals

Both amla and honey are rich in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. Increasing oxidative stress in the body can harm your overall health. Especially it increases the risk of cancer. At the same time, it can also prove to be very negative for skin health. Therefore, it is advised to consume Amla and honey regularly.

6. Detoxification

The detoxifying properties of amla, combined with honey's ability to support liver function, aid the body's natural detoxification processes. The mixture of Amla and honey makes it easy to flush out body toxins, and your body remains healthy and balanced.

7. Maintain respiratory health

Vitamin C present in Amla helps in improving respiratory health. Along with the soothing effects of honey, its consumption can prove to be effective in providing relief from cough and cold.

The mixture of Amla and honey will give amazing benefits to health. Image: Adobe Stock

Prepare Amla and honey mixture in this way (Amla and honey)

To make it you need:

black pepper

prepare like this

First of all cut the Amla into small pieces, now add honey to the Amla. Sprinkle black pepper on top and store them in an air tight container.

If you want, cut one Indian gooseberry and put it in honey every night and eat it the next morning. In this way you can eat fresh Amla daily.

Also read: Honey Water benefits: Drink just one spoon of honey mixed in water, you will get these 5 benefits for your health.

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