
Exercises to relieve knee pain – Ghutno ke dardko dur krne waali exercise

Often people try to relieve muscle spasms and swelling by taking medicines. But some easy exercises can prove helpful in solving this problem.

Knee pain is a common problem, which increases due to many reasons including wearing wrong shoes and walking on rough roads. Age is also a main reason for increasing problems in knees. Due to this, one has to face difficulty in walking and getting up. Often people try to relieve muscle spasms and swelling by taking medicines. But some easy exercises can prove helpful in solving this problem. Know the easy exercises to relieve knee pain.

The journal American Family Physician reports that about 25 percent of people experience knee pain. According to the report, the cases of knee pain have increased by 65 percent in the last 20 years.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, knee pain is caused by osteoarthritis. This problem is commonly found in women and older adults due to premature weakening of bones. Apart from this, sudden knee injury, weak muscles, obesity and muscle imbalance also increase this problem.

Sudden knee injury, weak muscles, obesity and muscle imbalance also increase this problem.

Exercise to reduce knee pain

1. Clam shell exercise

Doing the clam shell exercise which strengthens the hips and glutes helps in walking and sitting up. With its regular practice, the knee muscles remain flexible, which solves the problem of pain.

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  • To do this exercise, lie down straight on the mat and turn on your right side. Raise the right hand upward.
  • Now keep the knees bent to 90 degrees and open the left knee as much as possible and then place it on the other knee.
  • Practice this exercise in 2 sets of 20 times. This can reduce the increasing pain in the knees.
Doing the clam shell exercise, which strengthens the hips and glutes, helps in walking and sitting up.

2. Side leg raise exercise

Side leg raise is a bodyweight exercise, which can be done either lying down or standing. Doing this strengthens the glutes, core and hamstrings. Due to this, pressure starts increasing on the muscles of the lower abdomen.

Learn how to do side leg raise exercise

  • To do this exercise, lie down on your left side and keep both knees bent.
  • Now straighten the right leg and lift the leg as high as possible and then bring it down.
  • Practice this exercise as per your body's capacity. Due to this, pressure starts increasing in the hips muscles, which maintains the flexibility of the body.

3. Static quad stretch

The muscles at the front of the thighs are called the quadriceps muscles. By doing this exercise, these muscles get stretched, which increases blood circulation. This can be done lying down or standing. This can reduce knee pain.

Learn how to do it static quad stretch exercise

  • To do this exercise, lie down on the mat on your stomach and then maintain distance between both the legs.
  • Now bend the right leg at the knees and bring it near the hips and stretch it upwards. take deep breaths during
  • After this, keep the right leg on the ground and bring the left leg upwards. Practice this exercise 10 to 15 times.
  • Knee pain can be reduced by practicing it regularly.
Increasing stiffness in the hamstrings proves to be the cause of knee pain. In such a situation, stretching them strengthens the leg muscles. Image: Shutterstock

4. Hamstring stretch

Practice this exercise to strengthen the hamstring muscles. This maintains the balance of the body and relaxes the muscles of the lower back, due to which pain and swelling can be reduced.

Learn how to do it hamstring stretch exercise

  • To do this exercise, lie down on your back and lift your right leg upward. Take deep breaths during this time.
  • Now take the towel and pull it downwards by rotating it with your right foot. Due to this the muscles of the knees start relaxing.
  • Practice this exercise as per your body's capacity. After that straighten both the legs.

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