Try these 5 special homemade drinks in case of UTI

Urine infection can occur due to increased bacterial growth in the urinary tract. It is also called bladder infection. If it is not treated in time, it can cause major problems.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most troublesome infections for women. Most women face UTI more than once in their lives. Urine infection can occur due to increased bacterial growth in the urinary tract. It is also called bladder infection. If it is not treated in time, it can cause major trouble. In some women, it is seen repeatedly (Frequent UTI). Therefore, not only is it important to treat it in time, but some things should also be included in your daily routine, which are helpful in preventing it. Here we are telling about some such healthy drinks, which are helpful in preventing the risk of UTI (Drinks to prevent UTI).

If you also have a complaint of UTI, then pay attention to its treatment. In this situation, there is no need to take medicines containing chemicals, because many home remedies are available. If home remedies are tried properly in the beginning, then they can be easily treated. Ayurveda expert Chaitali Rathore has advised to drink certain types of homemade drinks in case of UTI. So let’s know how these drinks work in UTI (homemade drinks to treat UTI).

Try these 5 special homemade drinks in UTI (Drinks to prevent UTI)

1.Rice water

Rice water has natural soothing effects, which can help reduce irritation and discomfort associated with UTIs. For those looking for home remedies to treat UTIs, the soothing effect of rice water can prove to be very useful. Staying hydrated is the first and foremost important for UTI management.

With its hydrating properties, it helps maintain fluid balance and supports overall urinary system health. The anti-inflammatory properties of rice water reduce inflammation of the urinary tract. It provides relief from pain and other discomfort experienced during UTI.

To make rice water, soak it overnight, then strain it and drink it in the morning. You can add two pinches of cinnamon powder to it. If you want, boil water and rice together and drink the rice water. Taking rice water at the right time and in the right way gives you immediate relief.

2. Barley water

Apart from preventing kidney diseases, barley water treats urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is a powerful diuretic, so barley water is considered a natural remedy for urinary infections. If a person suffering from UTI drinks barley water regularly, it can prove helpful in reducing the infection.

This drink helps to deal with cysts and other kidney problems better. So, if a person wants to fight the problem in a natural and safe way, they must try this.

To prepare barley water, soak the barley in water for about 7 to 8 hours. After a few hours, let the water and salt boil well for about 15 to 20 minutes. Filter the barley and separate it. Then squeeze half a lemon in the water and enjoy it.

3. Coconut water

Rich in electrolytes, coconut water is a well-known remedy for many problems affecting the urinary tract. It also has mild diuretic properties, which promote urine production. Frequent urination prevents germs from accumulating in the bladder and helps flush them out. Consuming coconut water is extremely beneficial for your digestion. Thus, it provides many important nutrients for overall health along with maintaining urinary health.

4. Pineapple juice

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties, which is known to reduce UTI symptoms quickly and effectively. Drinking a cup of pineapple juice daily can help cure urinary tract infections. It is advisable to drink fresh pineapple juice instead of packaged juice to avoid consuming extra sugar or preservatives. However, consult your doctor to ensure that the antibiotics you are prescribed do not combine with pineapple juice.

5. Drink cranberry juice

One of the best ways to prevent infection is to drink cranberry juice daily. Cranberry juice is one of the most effective ways to prevent UTI. It is one of the best traditional home remedies for UTI. If you get frequent UTIs, cranberry juice will help you with that.

Cranberries have antibacterial properties, it helps in balancing urine pH. Not only this, cranberry juice is also known to boost immunity, and doctors also recommend drinking it to control UTI.

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