How do cold drinks harm the lungs? – How do cold drinks harm the lungs?

Consuming sugary carbonated drinks causes damage to the upper respiratory system. Its effect becomes visible on the functioning of the lungs. Due to this, the function of the lungs starts slowing down, which increases breathing related problems.

In the summer season, cold drinks are consumed in large numbers to cool the body. Consumption of cold drinks is increasing day by day, especially among the youth. Apart from increasing the risk of weight gain and diabetes, it is also proving to be the cause of damage to the lungs. Regular consumption of carbonated drinks increases cold trigger, which leads to cough, breathlessness and other symptoms of asthma. Let us know how excessive consumption of cold drinks causes harm to the lungs.

Talking about this, Dr. Avi Kumar says that regular consumption of cold drinks reduces the capacity of the lungs. Due to this the risk of asthma and COPD increases. In such a situation, one has to face breathlessness and cough again and again. Actually, the amount of chemicals and fructose present in cold drinks increases inflammation in the lungs, due to which one has to face upper respiratory tract infection.

According to the National Library of Medicine, a research conducted on 986 people found that 65 people who consumed cold drinks had symptoms of asthma. According to another research of 2015, symptoms of asthma were seen in children who drank fruit juice (side effects of fruit juice) and cold drinks. Consuming sugary carbonated drinks causes damage to the upper respiratory system. Its effect becomes visible on the functioning of the lungs. Due to this, the function of the lungs starts slowing down, which increases breathing related problems.

Consuming sugary carbonated drinks causes damage to the upper respiratory system. Its effect becomes visible on the functioning of the lungs. Image: Shutterstock

Know how cold drinks damage the lungs (How cold drinks affect lungs)

1. Risk of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Consumption of cold drinks increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease i.e. COPD. This causes damage to the airways and lungs. Due to this, blockage of airflow increases phlegm, nervousness, fatigue and chest tightness. People suffering from this disease continue to have the problem of mucus along with phlegm. The symptoms of this problem can be controlled by getting timely treatment.

2. Risk of Bronchospasm

Drinking cold water or cold drinks causes cold to reach the upper airways, which causes narrowing and tightening of the airways and increases difficulty in breathing. Also one has to face constant cough. Apart from cold drinks, smoking, allergens and winter weather can also trigger this problem.

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3. Triggering asthma

According to Dr. Avi Kumar, consuming cold carbonated drinks increases the risk of respiratory diseases. This triggers asthma symptoms. This increases difficulty in breathing and one has to face chest congestion along with coughing. Also, the problem of thick mucus increases during coughing. According to the National Institute of Health, consuming sugary drinks leads to diabetes and asthma and wheezing.

Consuming cold carbonated drinks increases the risk of respiratory diseases. This triggers asthma symptoms.

4. Reduce the functioning of lungs (Improper lungs functioning)

By continuously consuming cold water or carbonated drinks, the functioning of the lungs starts slowing down for 10 to 15 minutes. According to the report of Science Direct, drinking 1000 mm of cold water reduces forced vital capacity by 5 percent. Drinking cold water every day increases dryness in the throat, which also proves to be the cause of dry cough. Due to cold water, the problem of nasal congestion and running nose increases.

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