
How is ridge gourd beneficial for diabetes patients?

Rich in vitamins and minerals, ridge gourd not only strengthens digestion but also helps in controlling diabetes. This provides ample fiber, which helps in weight loss by boosting gut health.

For better health, it is advised to exercise often and eat green vegetables. While exercise increases blood circulation, green vegetables provide nutrition to the body. One of these green vegetables is ridge gourd. Rich in vitamins and minerals, ridge gourd not only strengthens digestion but also helps in controlling diabetes. Know why ridge gourd is special and how diabetic patients should consume this superfood (ridge gourd for diabetes).

First of all know why ridge gourd is special (Benefits of ridge gourd)

According to the National Institute of Health, high amount of fiber is found in low calorie food ridge gourd. By consuming it the body gets Vitamin A and B. This vegetable, which is easy to cook and digest, boosts metabolism and maintains the energy level in the body. Apart from vitamins, many minerals including magnesium and iron are also found in it. Due to high water content, the body remains hydrated and the quantity of red blood cells also increases.

Regarding this, dietician Dr. Aditi Sharma says that by consuming ridge gourd, the body gets vitamins, minerals and fiber. This slows down the absorption of glucose in the body, which helps in controlling sugar. The body is benefited by preparing this superfood rich in iron, potassium and magnesium along with its peel. This provides ample fiber, which helps in weight loss by boosting gut health.

Due to high water content, the body remains hydrated and the quantity of red blood cells also increases. Image: Adobe Stock

Know how ridge gourd is beneficial for diabetic patients (Ridge gourd for diabetes)

1. Low calorie food

According to USDA, 100 grams of ridge gourd provides approximately 20 calories. Apart from this, it also contains 94 percent water and high amount of fiber. Due to dietary fiber, the stomach feels full for a long time, which helps in controlling appetite. Besides, the problem of overeating is also solved. Peptides and alkaloids are also found in it, which can prevent the progression of diabetes.

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2. Reduce blood sugar level

Luffa contains carotene compound, which provides anti-diabetic properties to the body. The amount of fiber found in it slows down the absorption of glucose in the body. Including it in the diet also provides hypoglycemic properties and phytonutrients, which help prevent the rise in blood sugar levels after eating.

The amount of fiber found in it slows down the absorption of glucose in the body.

3. Rich in antioxidants

Consumption of ridge gourd is beneficial in increasing the body's immunity. Through this the body gets Vitamin C and minerals. Its consumption helps in detoxifying the toxic substances present in the body and boosts the immune system. Consuming ridge gourd protects the body from the effects of seasonal infections.

4. Protect from heart diseases

Consumption of ridge gourd, which is rich in potassium and magnesium, helps in controlling blood pressure levels. This reduces the risk of heart diseases and relaxes the blood vessels in the body. Actually, this vegetable maintains proper sodium level in the body, which provides relief from high blood pressure. With this, cardiovascular strain on the heart can also be reduced.

How to consume ridge gourd in diabetes

1. Prepare zucchini with peel

Wash the vegetables thoroughly and prepare them by cutting them along with the peel. Due to this, the body gets fiber and minerals, which can protect against the effects of free radicals increasing in the body and phytonutrients keep the blood sugar level under control.

Luffa is a low-calorie vegetable containing about 20 kcal per 100 grams. Image: Pinterest

2. Add ridge gourd to smoothie

Prepare smoothie by adding curd, ridge gourd, amla, lemon juice, black pepper and salt as per taste. Now consuming it not only reduces the risk of dehydration in the body but also increases the absorption of nutrients. This also helps in weight loss.

3. Make soup and drink it

Cut the ridge gourd vegetable into small pieces and cook them and then mash them or add them to the soup along with the pieces. This solves the problem of frequent hunger and also strengthens the digestive system. Those people who suffer from bloating and constipation must consume it.

4. Use to make cheela

You can prepare cheela by grating it and mixing it with gram flour. This not only brings newness to the diet but also enhances the taste. Eating ridge gourd cheela in breakfast helps in controlling sugar.

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