
How to protect yourself from seasonal flu in the changing season, how to protect yourself from seasonal flu in the changing season.

The weather is changing, summer is going and winter has knocked. Mild cold in the morning and then sunshine in the afternoon, the heat and cold caused by this can make you fall ill immediately. Read on to know about its prevention and treatment.

With changing weather, flu patients are also continuously increasing. Most of these are cases of viral infection and flu. This is not the first time that you and the people around you are suffering from cold and flu. In fact, changes in weather, falling air quality index and increase in pollution are the factors that make the months of October-November the flu season. Let us know from an expert how to protect yourself and your family during flu season.

The Healthshots team spoke to Dr. Gaurav Jain, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Dharamshila Narayana Hospital, Delhi, to know about the prevention and treatment of flu.

First know the symptoms of flu

To deal with any problem, it is very important to understand its symptoms. These provide you clarity for the right treatment. Dr. Gaurav tells about some symptoms of flu, but you should not be careless if you experience them, such as

1.If there is high fever

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2. Have problem of persistent cough

3. There is a burning sensation or soreness in the throat

4. There is constant pain in the body

5. Headache or heaviness in the head

6. There is also problem of nausea

7. Blocked or runny nose

It is very important to protect against flu and fever in the changing season. Image-Adobestock

What is the difference between flu and cold?

Flu and the common cold can have similar symptoms, such as runny nose and cough. But cold symptoms are usually mild, while flu symptoms can be severe and lead to serious complications. Cold and flu are caused by different viruses.

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Understand why flu occurs

Dr. Gaurav explains that there can be many reasons for this, such as:

1. Coming in contact with the virus:

Several types of viruses, such as rhinovirus and influenza virus, cause colds and flu. These viruses live in the air or on infected surfaces. If you come in contact with them, you can also become a victim of flu.

2. Close contact with infected person:

When a person is sick, viruses become airborne when he or she coughs or sneezes. This virus can easily spread to other people by being around them. That is why it is advised to maintain distance from infected people.

3. Coming in contact with items used by an infected person:

Surfaces like door handles, tables, or phones can be breeding grounds for the virus. Touching these things and then touching the mouth or eyes without washing hands can spread the infection.

4. Lack of cleanliness:

If hands are not washed regularly or hygiene is not maintained, the risk of infection increases. That is why it is said that after coming from outside, one should wash hands and face and constantly sanitize the items used.

5. Unhealthy Diet and Other Health Problems:

Not having a nutritious diet and adequate sleep can weaken the body's immune system, which increases the risk of infection. Mental stress and other health problems can affect the immune system, making a person easily fall ill.

There may be difficulty in breathing. images adobe stock

How to protect yourself from flu (How to protect yourself from flu)

Dr. Gaurav suggests measures to prevent this –

  1. It is very important to keep your surroundings clean, so that the virus does not take birth anywhere near you.
  2. Wear a mask in public places. If there is an infected person near you and the mask protects you from dust and dirt on the road.
  3. If someone you know is infected, keep distance from that person. This is good for both your and their health.
  4. Eat nutritious food, which strengthens your immune system. This gives your body strength to fight flu. Like Vitamin C rich foods like seasonal fruits, orange etc.
  5. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  6. When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth. Use your elbow or a tissue to sneeze or cough, not your straight hand.
  7. If you are sick and can't avoid being around others, consider wearing a mask.
  8. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth.


It is important to note that flu can be a serious illness, so its symptoms should not be ignored. If you have flu symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.

Also read: Eye Flu: Eye flu cases are increasing in many states, know 6 home remedies to overcome this problem.

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