
Know how to prepare the body for normal delivery – know how to prepare the body for normal delivery

Years ago, when medical facilities were not available everywhere, most women had vaginal delivery. Even doctors and medical science give more priority to vaginal delivery.

Pregnant women have two different options to give birth to a child. The first option is “vaginal delivery” i.e. giving birth to a child through the vagina and the second option is “cesarean delivery” i.e. taking out the child through an operation by making a cut in the abdomen. Vaginal delivery is considered the natural method of childbirth. Because years ago, when medical facilities were not available everywhere, most women had vaginal delivery.

Even doctors and medical science give more priority to vaginal delivery. Most actresses and sports women prepare their bodies for vaginal birth from the very beginning of pregnancy. But how your delivery will happen depends on your pregnancy complications, your health and your physical strength (vaginal birth benefits).

Dr. Aastha Dayal, Director – Obstetrics and Gynecology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram talks about some important benefits of vaginal delivery. He has also told how a woman can prepare her body for vaginal delivery (vaginal birth benefits).

First understand why normal delivery or vaginal birth is better (vaginal birth benefits for mother)

“Vaginal birth or normal delivery has many benefits for both mother and child. Compared to cesarean section, this usually results in a much shorter recovery time, allowing the mother to resume her regular activities sooner. ,

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After birth, it is important to pay attention to your diet and your regular activities. Image: Adobe Stock

1. Recovery takes less time : Compared to a C-section, a normal vaginal delivery often has a shorter recovery time. This allows you to focus on bonding with your newborn as quickly as possible.

2. Relief from pain comes quickly : Normal delivery comes with natural discomfort. Some studies show that women who have a vaginal delivery experience less pain during delivery than women who have a C-section. This is because the body releases natural pain-killing hormones during a normal vaginal delivery.

3. There is no risk of infection : Surgical procedures like a C-section have a slightly higher risk of infection than a vaginal birth. This is because during surgery, a cut is made in the abdomen, and then stitches are placed. Those take a long time to resolve, and can cause infection.

4. There is less risk of other complications : Vaginal delivery or C section, both can have their own complications. Some studies suggest that a normal delivery may have a lower risk of certain complications than a C-section. These include blood clotting, respiratory problems in newborns and surgical complications.

5. Have to spend time working in the hospital : Recovery occurs faster after normal delivery or vaginal delivery. During this period you have to stay in the hospital for less time. This can be beneficial for both mother and child.

Years ago, when medical facilities were not available everywhere, most women had vaginal delivery, which is actually very beneficial. Image: Adobe Stock

6. Next time also normal delivery can happen : If you have given birth to your first child through a normal delivery, then there is a high possibility that the second child will also be through a normal delivery. But once C section is done then later you have to get the delivery done through operation. There are very few women who, after undergoing cesarean method once, are able to have a normal delivery the second time.

Also read: Sex after birth: A gynecologist is telling some important things about sex after delivery.

7. There are benefits in breastfeeding : Studies show that hormonal changes during vaginal delivery can help in milk production and also reduce latching difficulties compared to C-section.

The child also benefits from normal delivery (vaginal birth benefits for child)

In normal delivery, the baby naturally comes down the birth canal, due to which the fluid present in the lungs of the child is removed and the risk of respiratory problems is reduced. Whereas normal delivery is often done in complication free pregnancy. When there are no complications in your pregnancy, it is beneficial for the health of the child.

Folic acid is the most important vitamin during early pregnancy. Image- Adobe Stock

In this way, prepare your body for normal delivery (how to prepare your body for vaginal birth)

According to Dr. Astha Dayal, “There are some important stages involved in preparing the body for normal delivery. First, eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron and calcium, to support your body during pregnancy. “Frequent physical activity, like walking or practicing pregnancy yoga, can increase the strength and flexibility of your muscles, which will help in normal delivery and make it easier for you.”

“Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and visualization, to take control of more of the delivery. Getting enough sleep and drinking enough water are also essential for general health. Last but not least, be sure to discuss your birth planning and any concerns with your doctor. So that you can feel informed and confident on the day of your delivery. “This kind of planning can make a big difference to the birth experience.”

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