Know the disadvantages of suppressing emotions – Know the disadvantages of suppressing emotions

Suppressing emotions for a long time can harm your mental health as well as your physical health. Even today many people are not aware about emotional health and they often do not understand their own emotions.

We all often talk about mental and physical health, but often ignore emotional health. Let us tell you that everyone should have information related to emotional health. Because your emotions can cause mental and physical problems. There are many people who are unable to talk openly about their feelings and hide their inner feelings.

Suppressing emotions for a long time can harm your mental health as well as your physical health. Even today many people are not aware about emotional health and they often do not understand their own emotions, hence they suffer more problems (emotional suppression side effects).

First understand what is emotional health?

Emotional health is about how we think and feel. It reflects the state of our own health, our ability to deal with life events and how we accept our own emotions as well as the emotions of others. This doesn't mean being happy all the time.

Now know what is emotional suppression?

Emotional suppression is the act of deliberately avoiding or inhibiting the expression of emotions, even if they are distressing emotions. Many people try to avoid these feelings and bury them inside themselves in order to protect themselves. In this situation, both mental and physical health can be negatively affected.

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Many people try to avoid these feelings and bury them inside themselves in order to protect themselves. Image: Adobe Stock

Suppressing emotions can have negative effects on physical health (emotional suppression side effects)

1. Risk of heart related problems increases

Suppressing emotions increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and even stroke. A person suppresses emotions when they are negative, in such a situation the level of stress increases. The constant release of stress hormones can put excessive strain on the heart and circulatory system. To protect from heart related problems, it is important to express emotions openly.

2. There may be disturbances in sleep

Suppressing emotions can cause anxiety and restlessness, resulting in difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, which in turn affects cognitive function and physical recovery. You all know how important it is for you to get a proper quality sleep. Sleep is very important for your physical and mental health.

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3. Gastrointestinal problems

Gut and mental health are closely linked; when stress increases, digestive problems also increase. Suppressing emotions increases stress hormones in the body, which often results in digestive problems such as bloating and bloating. Along with this, many times a person becomes a victim of diarrhea.

Suppressing emotions can cause digestive problems. Image: Adobe Stock

4. Musculoskeletal Stress

When you ignore emotions and try to suppress them, mental stress increases as well as muscle tension, due to which you may feel pain and stiffness.

Know how this situation can be avoided

To prevent emotions from taking over your physical health, first try to control your emotions. If you are worried about something, share your feelings of worry with a close friend, partner, or family member. If an emotion is bothering you too much, engage in activities that make you happy. Or understand the things related to that feeling and try to eliminate it.

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