
Mango orchard Hindi story Aam Ka Bagh

Hindi Kahani Aam Ka Bagh: There was a mango orchard in the middle of the village. Whose gardener he was. Beautiful. A tall, strong man used to roam around the entire garden with a stick in his hand.

He lived day and night in a hut nearby. One afternoon he was sleeping. Here Kapil along with his friends was making a plan to pluck mangoes from the garden.

Kapil: Friends, today as soon as Sundar falls asleep, we will quietly enter the garden from behind. We will pluck mangoes there and one of us will stand near the hut and guard it.

All his friends obey him and do the same. Reach the garden quietly. They start plucking mangoes from the trees behind. Murari was standing guard near Sundar's hut.

After some time, when Sundar gets up to drink water, he hears some sounds.

Sundar: Who is there? Is anyone stealing mangoes there?

Murari: Run, run. The gardener woke up.

Saying this he starts running backwards. Sundar starts running after him. While running, he saw that some children were climbing trees, some were standing below collecting mangoes. Hearing Murari's voice, they all get down and start running.

Sundar runs after them. All the children run away. But Sundar catches Kapil.

Sundar: Why son, you are becoming very smart. Where are you running? Let us go to your house today to settle the accounts of all these mangoes.

Kapil: Kaka, you have bought only a few mangoes, there are so many mangoes in the garden. Leave it, you will get unnecessarily beaten at home.

Sundar does not agree, he just wanted to recover the money for the mangoes. He takes Kapil straight to his house.

Sundar: Jagat Bhai, where are you? Look, your son was stealing mangoes.

Jagat ji comes out –

Jagat ji: What did you say, this worthless person has again come to steal mangoes. Only when I beat him will he improve.

Saying this, Jagat ji starts looking for a stick to hit him. Just then Kapil's mother Sunita comes out.

Sunita: Hey, leave it, it's a child. Sundar, I will compensate you for whatever loss you have suffered because of a mistake. Now leave my child.

Sunder goes away getting angry.

Jagat ji: You are the one who has spoiled it.

Saying this they go to the fields.

Sunita: Why does he do so much mischief? Today I saved, but what will happen next? If you wanted to eat mangoes, you would have taken money from me.

Kapil: Forgive me mother, from now on you will never get a chance to complain.

But the next day when Kapil meets his friends –

Kapil: Friend, that handsome man has complained to his father, he will have to be taught a lesson.

Murari: Hey, I didn't run away from you. How much noise did I make?

Kapil: I was checking to see if anyone was left. Leave it to me to tell him how to teach him a lesson.

Murari: Let's do one thing. At night, while sleeping, they would stuff a cloth in his mouth, then tie his hands and feet to the cot, pick him up and throw him in a nearby canal.

All his friends agree with him. At night they wait for Sundar to sleep. As soon as he sleeps, they tie his hands and legs, throw him in the canal and run away from there.

Sundar beats his hands and legs a lot. Somehow he unties the rope and frees himself from the cot.

Sundar understands that all this has been done by Kapil and his friends. He disappears the next day. Just then a man comes to the village chaupal.

Man: A man from the village died by drowning in the canal. Whoever threw it in the canal should come forward on his own, otherwise the police will beat him up and make him vomit.

Hearing this, Kapil and his friends get excited.

Kapil: Hey, what happened? He really died. Now we all will be hanged.

All the friends reach their home scared.

Kapil reaches his mother and tells her the whole truth.

Sunita: What have you done, you worthless person? If you kill someone, now you will have to go to jail.

Sunita tells everything to Jagat ji in the evening. They gather Kapil and his friends at night itself and head towards the police post along with everyone's parents. The police post was far away.

Were going through the forest at night. Just then a man covered in a blanket stops them. His face was not visible.

Man: Your children have taken the life of a man. They will be hanged.

Jagat ji: Brother, that is why we are taking them to the police, maybe their punishment can be reduced.

Man: I can save them. But then they will kill someone else.

Then all the children read at his feet.

Children: Brother, save us, now we will not do anything. Will not even come out of the house.

Man: No, you had promised earlier also when you stole mangoes. Now you must be punished.

Children start crying. His parents also join hands with that man and start praying.

Then he removes his blanket. Oh this is beautiful. It is alive.

Sundar: Yes, I survived because I had strength inside me. With great difficulty I broke the rope and came out of the water. If it had been anyone else he would have died.

Kapil: Brother, please forgive us, such a mistake will never happen in future. Save us.

Jagat ji: But who was that man?

Sundar: I had sent him so that the truth of these children could come out. That's why I was waiting for you guys here. If I tell all these things to the police, everyone will go to jail.

Murari: Brother, please forgive me just once. We promise never to do this again. Our life is in your hands.

Sundar forgives everyone.

After that all the children improve and start studying diligently.

Education: One should never harm anyone.

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