
Monkey beating City Story in Hindi

Bandar ki Kahani in Hindi: A monkey lived in a forest. His name was Chinku. Chinku considered himself very smart.

He always used to fool the innocent animals of the forest and steal their food items.

One day all the animals in the forest together decided to throw Chinku out of the forest, because everyone else in the forest was very honest except him.

King Sher Singh of the jungle called all the animals in the Panchayat and said –

Sher Singh: Chinku, we all have decided that you will have to leave the forest because you keep snatching food and drink from the innocent animals of the forest by trapping them with your words.

Chinku: Maharaj, please forgive me, I will never do this in future.

Sher Singh: That's why we are driving you out of the forest. You should go and live somewhere else. When you meet people who are smarter than you, you will understand our honesty. You will have to go out of the forest for a year.

Chinku kept listening to his punishment silently. Then he reluctantly left the forest and came to the city.

There were neither trees in the city from where he could pluck fruits and eat nor was he able to get drinking water. Whenever he went to pick up the fruits kept in the shops, the shopkeeper would run after him with a stick.

Hungry and thirsty, Chinku got into big trouble. He couldn't even go to the forest. One day when a shopkeeper was closing his shop at night, Chinku quietly hides in an empty fruit basket.

When the shop is closed at night, he comes out of the basket and starts eating fruits. He takes out a water bottle and juice from the shop's fridge and starts drinking it.

His stomach is full. Now he was feeling sleepy. He sleeps there. When his eyes open in the morning. So it's time to open the shop. He silently goes and hides inside the same basket.

When a shopkeeper opens his shop. So he sees some fruits that were half gnawed, an empty water bottle and an empty juice box lying there.

When he looks around, he sees Chinku's tail outside the basket. He silently calls a juggler.

Shopkeeper: Look brother, this monkey is causing a lot of harm to me, catch it and take it away.

The juggler catches Chinku and takes him with him.

The juggler used to beat Chinku daily and gave him very little to eat. Gradually he taught Chinku to dance and all the other tricks.

Madari: Listen, whatever I have taught you, you should show it in the show from tomorrow. If I show it properly then I will earn. If you commit even one mistake, you will be beaten and you will not even get food in the evening.

From the next day, Chinku started performing tricks at the behest of the juggler. He used to get tired by evening. Then he got food somewhere.

Chinku used to cry at night. He missed his forest.

Chinku: If only I had lived honestly, there would have been no shortage of food and drink in the forest. Food was available without any hard work. Then they would sleep comfortably on a tree.

One day Chinku was showing a show. Just then a flock of birds appeared in the sky above.

A bird: Hey, this is Chinku of our forest.

Chinku also sees them.

Bird: Why Chinku Bhai, how are you? Saying this all the birds start laughing.

Chinku: Sister I am in a lot of trouble. You tell Sher Singh to forgive me and call me into the forest, otherwise I will die.

The bird takes pity on him. She leaves at that time and comes back the next day.

Bird: Chinku, I have already spoken to you, Sher Singh and the other animals have forgiven you. I will come to you at night and cut your ropes and free you, then you go to the forest.

At night, when the juggler was sleeping, the bird came with other birds and cut the ropes of Chinku.

Chinku came out silently from there and ran into the forest. Next day in the Panchayat, Chinku apologized to everyone in the Panchayat, now he started living honestly in the forest.

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