
Parenting tips for overall development of the child,- tips for overall development of the child

The increasing height and full body of the child is not the overall development. The overall development of a child also requires attention to his moral and emotional development. Is he able to adjust to difficult situations and people who are different from him?

Childhood is that age when the child takes small steps forward and soon joins the race of life. The things that children learn in their childhood shape their personality and decide their decisions in the future. Children learn all these things by watching their parents, teachers, elder brothers and sisters and the people around them. Parents are not only role models of children but also their real teachers. If you want your child to not only become successful when he grows up, but also become a better person, then you will have to pay attention to his physical, mental and moral development from now on. Here we are sharing such important tips for healthy parenting (Parenting tips for child development).

Psychiatrist Dr. Yuvraj Pant explains that along with studies, the child's Parenting Tips for Overall Development Are necessary. In this, it is necessary to take special care of physical activity, distance from mobile, consumption of healthy food, and sleep. This keeps the child away from stress, anxiety, anger, irritability, dullness and lack of concentration that increase at an early age.

Along with studies, it is necessary to take special care of physical activity, distance from mobile, consumption of healthy food, and sleep for the overall development of the child.

Preparation is necessary before joining the race of life.

To keep children healthy and active in this busy life, it is necessary to take care of everything from their diet to hygiene and inform them about it from time to time. In this both good understanding and good diet are necessary.

Dr. Aditi Sharma says that parenting tips are very important for the overall development of the child. There is no doubt that it is very difficult to keep children away from the world, but it is important to have information about the right quantity and healthy foods. Calcium, protein, vitamins, minerals and Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are essential for the growth of children. Include healthy foods in their diet and take care not to expose them to processed foods at an early age. This harms gut health and increases the risk of autoimmune diseases.

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Calcium, protein, vitamins, minerals and Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are essential for the growth of children. Image: Adobe Stock

These 5 parenting tips will be helpful in the overall development of children (Parenting tips for child development.)

1. Nutritious food, not empty calories

Various types of advertisements are enough to attract children. But consuming excessive sugar, salt and unhealthy fats in the diet weakens the immune system and increases many problems in the body like obesity and type 1 diabetes. In such a situation, to make children aware about diet, give information related to healthy meals to children.

For this, children should be given the habit of eating fruits since childhood. Give it to children in the form of fruit salad, custard and puree. Similarly, replace bread and pasta with chapatti, poha and idli in your diet. With this the child starts getting involved in a healthy diet. Make a habit of giving lassi, coconut water and smoothies instead of soda and energy drinks. Provide healthy and small meals to maintain high amounts of calcium, protein and fiber. This protects the child from overeating.

2 Cleanliness is most important

The effect of changes in weather becomes visible on health. Due to not taking care of cleanliness around us, we have to face seasonal infections, allergies, conjunctivitis, cough, cold and head lice. In such a situation, it is necessary to give information about personal hygiene to children in some way or the other every day. This can not only boost the immune system but also helps in preventing infection. Take care of parenting tips for the overall development of the child.

According to UNICEF, inform children about the 30 second rule for hand washing. Under this, repeat the birthday song twice. After this, use towels to wipe your hands. Apart from this, it is also necessary to keep the nails clean and cut them on time. Similarly, follow the 20 second rule to sanitize hands. According to UNICEF, hand hygiene remains the same whether the water is cold or hot. Apart from this, cleaning teeth is also necessary. Brush your teeth twice a day.

Due to not taking care of surrounding cleanliness, one has to face seasonal infections, allergies, conjunctivitis, cough, cold and head lice. Image: Adobe Stock

3. Anger and abusive language are both bad

It is completely wrong to get angry, scold and raise hands at children on every issue. Parenting tips are essential for the overall development of the child. Instead of using violence for your child's mistake, keep him busy in other activities. Make them sit down to read and develop the habit of helping other people. Due to this the child starts learning from his mistakes. Avoid speaking loudly and using wrong words in front of children. Due to this, it gets settled in the child's mind like an impression, which the child starts pronouncing anytime, anywhere.

To make children mentally active, try to involve them in other activities including painting, dancing, singing and sports. With this the child starts learning things and his circle gets built. Apart from this, try to understand the behavior of children. Avoid being short tempered and give them your time and talk to them and also take out story time. Take the help of yoga to keep children's brain sharp and active throughout the day. Apart from this, cycling and swimming are also very effective.

4. Gadgets are not more important than sleep

Parenting tips are important for the overall development of the child. After running around all day, children get ready for the next day by getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep reduces their energy levels and dark circles start appearing under the eyes. Keep children away from TV and mobile and make them habit of listening to soothing music for some time. This helps the child's mind to calm down. According to the US Center for Disease Control, a child aged 3 to 5 years needs 10 to 13 hours of sleep. At the same time, 6 to 12 years of age require 9 to 12 hours of sleep and for 13 to 18 years of age, 8 to 10 hours of sleep is required.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, maintain the sleep routine of children and for this follow the rule of brush, book and bed. Make children have the habit of brushing before sleeping at night. Use a soft brush and get it brushed once till the age of three years. After that, children aged 3 to 6 years should be brushed twice a day. After cleaning their teeth, go to bed and give them a book to read for 15 to 20 minutes. This develops the child's language and also increases social emotional skills. Now try to put children to sleep at the scheduled time without waiting for them to fall asleep.

If children are enrolled in any sport from an early age, then the children remain physically and mentally active. Image: Adobe Stock

5. It is important to be active, not lazy.

If children are enrolled in any sport from an early age, then the children remain physically and mentally active. The child's bones become stronger and the child remains active. According to UNICEF, children above 6 years of age should get 1 hour of exercise a day. This provides relief from the risk of frequent injuries and muscle pain. Apart from this the ball density remains intact.

To reduce the stress and anxiety that increases in children with age, take them for outdoor games. With this, obesity can also be avoided and children remain fit and healthy.

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