
Possible reasons for increasing belly fat – possibility of losing belly fat

The body is of normal shape but due to accumulation of excess fat around the stomach, the stomach appears bulging. This is not a good sign, increasing belly fat also increases the risk of many health related problems.

The increasing fat in the body is first seen in the areas around the stomach. They burn very quickly and take a long time to burn. There are many people who have only belly fat, that is, their body is of normal size but due to accumulation of excess fat around the stomach, the stomach appears bulging. This is not a good sign, increasing belly fat also increases the risk of many health related problems (causes of belly fat).

People often have many questions regarding increasing belly fat. What is more surprising is why the fat is increasing on the stomach instead of increasing in other parts of the body (why do I gain weight in my stomach only)! Today we have brought the answer to this question of yours. So let us know what are the reasons for increasing belly fat.

Possible causes of belly fat only

1. Age

With increasing age, most women experience excess fat in the abdominal and hip areas. The distribution of fat in the body changes with increasing age. As women approach menopause, the level of estrogen in their body decreases significantly. Due to fluctuations in hormone levels, excess fat can accumulate in the areas around the abdomen.

With the help of exercise, not only the fat accumulated on love handles i.e. side fat can be burnt but the body remains active. Image: Adobe Stock

what to do in this situation

However, this is normal and can be reduced through regular eating habits and physical activity. Body shape also changes with age, so start taking some changes positively. If fat is increasing too much, it can be a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle, due to which the risk of health problems increases. In such a situation, to reduce excess fat, along with yoga and exercise, you can also participate in normal activities like cycling, walking, running.

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2. Genetic

Sometimes overweight or obesity can be genetic. If your parents or any other blood relative has excess fat around their abdomen, or their body type has excess belly fat, you may have the same body type. In fact, high carbohydrate intake in parents increases the chances of obesity in children by 80%.

Know what to do in this situation

If you want to keep yourself fit, or lose excess belly fat, it depends on relevant characteristics like your metabolism rate, appetite, food cravings and the distribution of fat in your body. If you are doing metabolism boosting exercises and consuming healthy foods, you may be able to reduce the fat around your stomach. Although it is genetic, it can be reduced by exercising daily and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Including processed food, sugar, sodium, saturated fat and alcohol in the diet starts affecting the immune system. Image: Adobe Stock

3. Unhealthy diet

An unhealthy diet, such as excessive consumption of processed and fried foods, unhealthy fats, and irregular eating schedules can also lead to increased belly fat. Sugar is one of those foods. Sugar causes your body to generate an inflammatory response, and when this happens, your body begins to store fat around your midsection.

Know what to do in such a situation

If your diet is unhealthy, then first of all you need to get control over your food items. Stay away from refined and processed foods, especially sugar. Apart from this, consume fruits and green vegetables, as well as portion control is very important. Eat less at a time, even if you have to eat every 2 to 3 hours, because overeating also increases belly fat. Along with this, consume herbal drinks made from ginger, cumin, coriander, fenugreek etc. It boosts metabolism in your body, so that Helps in burning fat,

Do not consume caffeine and alcohol. Image- Adobe Stock

4. Regular consumption of alcohol

Alcohol contains a large amount of calories, most of which are empty. This means that the calories in alcohol provide little or no nutritional benefit. If you drink alcohol daily, it adds a lot of extra calories to your body without any quality nutrients. Due to this, fat may be visible around the abdominal area. A study conducted in 1996 found that drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol increases fat in the abdominal areas. Consumption of alcohol also increases the area of ​​visceral fat in the body.

what to do in this situation

If you drink alcohol, first try to control your craving for alcohol. Distract yourself for this and others Eat healthy foods and drinksIt can be difficult to give up alcohol all at once, so reduce the amount and duration gradually. If you do not want to give up it completely, it can be consumed in limited quantities once or twice a month. If you are a great lover of alcohol, you can enjoy wine every few days.

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or overwork. Image: Adobe Stock

5. Chronic Stress

When you are under stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. If you are under chronic stress, your body is constantly producing cortisol. Its overproduction increases blues sugar and insulin levels, which can, in turn, lead to weight gain around your midsection.

What to do in this situation

If you are constantly stressed, then you should consider adopting stress management techniques. Understand the real cause of stress and try to eliminate it from its roots. Apart from this, meet people and distract yourself, so that the stress level can be reduced. Also avoid stress eating, because during this time there are unhealthy cravings, especially for sweets, which can also lead to weight gain. Eat healthy and try to do any of your favorite physical activities for at least 30 minutes daily.

Also read: Weight loss herbs: These 6 Ayurvedic herbs can melt belly fat and reduce weight in a jiffy.

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