Reasons for bleeding gums during pregnancy:- Causes of bleeding gums during pregnancy

Women have to face gum bleeding during pregnancy. Not brushing on time and not taking care of regular dental checkups leads to lack of oral hygiene. But is it really normal to have bleeding gums during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is considered a life-changing experience in a woman's life. During this period, while women experience many types of emotions, they also have to face many health related problems. Sometimes skin itching, sometimes back pain, and sometimes gum discomfort. Yes, women have to face gum bleeding during pregnancy. But is it really normal to have bleeding gums during pregnancy? Know the cause of gum bleeding during pregnancy and ways to avoid it (Bleeding gums during pregnancy),

Regarding this, gynecologist Dr. Shivani Singh says that it is normal for gingivitis to increase in pregnant women. During this time, the body has to face hormonal fluctuations, which increases this problem. In such a situation, bleeding and swelling from the gums is normal, which increases in the second and third trimester. For persistent tooth pain and frequent bleeding, get yourself checked regularly by a doctor. To avoid this problem, it is also necessary to keep the body hydrated. Also, increasing the intake of Vitamin C is beneficial.

Due to lack of saliva, the effect of infection in the mouth increases. Is. Due to this, plaque starts accumulating on the teeth.

Causes of gum bleeding during pregnancy

1. Lack of saliva

The effect of rapid hormonal changes during pregnancy is also visible on saliva. According to the National Institute of Health, lack of saliva increases the effects of mouth infection. Is. Due to this, plaque starts accumulating on the teeth. Increase in stickiness around the teeth increases the growth of bacteria, which causes gum problems.

2. Changes in diet

In such a situation, women increase the amount of carbs in the diet along with other nutrients. Apart from this, consumption of sweet and fast food causes the growth of bacteria in teeth to increase rapidly. Besides, frequent cravings also increase dental problems.

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3. Hormonal changes

According to the National Institute of Health, the increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy causes swelling and pain in the gums. Due to this one has to face bleeding. In some women this problem persists for a long time.

4. Increase in morning sickness

Morning sickness also starts becoming the reason for increasing dental problems in women. Actually, due to difficulty in waking up in the morning, the acid produced in the mouth reaches the stomach and causes nausea. Due to this, its effect is also seen on the enamel of teeth, which increases the problem of gum bleeding.

Due to difficulty in waking up in the morning, the acid produced in the mouth reaches the stomach and causes nausea. Image: Adobe Stock

5. Poor oral hygiene

Not brushing on time and not taking care of regular dental checkups leads to lack of oral hygiene. Its effect becomes visible on the health of teeth. In such a situation, rinse with homemade mouthwash and use appropriate toothpaste. Also, don't forget to brush your teeth after late-night cravings.

If gums are bleeding during pregnancy, then keep these things in mind (Tips to avoid gum bleeding during pregnancy)

1. Consume Vitamin C

To increase the strength of teeth, include Vitamin C rich foods in your diet. This reduces the increasing pain, swelling and bleeding in the gums. Anti-inflammatory properties are found in it, due to which the growth of bacteria in the mouth can be limited by increasing the production of saliva. For this, consume berries, broccoli, kale and sweet potatoes in your diet.

2. Teeth cleaning

To avoid gum bleeding, brush your teeth twice daily. With this, the plaque accumulation in teeth can be reduced. Apart from this, flossing also proves to be very effective. Use alcohol-free mouthwash to maintain oral hygiene.

To avoid gum bleeding, brush your teeth twice daily.

3. Get your teeth checked regularly

Be sure to go for a dentist checkup twice a year. With this, increasing problems in teeth can be avoided. Besides, the problem of diseases like scurvy due to lack of nutrition also starts getting solved.

4. Keep the body hydrated

To avoid this problem, it is also necessary to keep the body hydrated. This can prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth, thereby preventing mouth cavity and gum bleeding. Also, increasing the intake of Vitamin C is beneficial.

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