Risk factors of long distance relationship,- long- distance relationship ke rikhim karak
Due to work and studies, people live in long distance relationships. But due to lack of trust and high expectations from each other, misunderstandings start increasing. Due to this, most couples have to face stress.
There is no doubt that many challenges have to be faced in a long distance relationship. Two people who are far away from each other have to face many problems in maintaining coordination. In this, not only does the person's trust get shaken from time to time, but changes in each other's behavior start being felt every moment. Lack of communication and distance, mutual discord and insecurity in this relationship persist every moment. Let us know what are those things which become red flags in a long distance relationship.
What is a long-distance relationship and risks?
Talking about this, Dr. Yuvraj Pant, psychiatrist at Government Medical College, Haldwani, says that due to work and studies, people live in long-distance relationships. But due to lack of trust and high expectations from each other, misunderstandings start increasing. Due to communication gap, tension increases in relationships and most couples have to face stress.
Risk Factors for Long Distance Relationships
- The trust of couples living in a long distance relationship starts wavering towards each other, due to which misunderstandings start increasing.
- Despite being in a relationship, one has to face loneliness and sadness due to not being able to get along. Due to this the person remains depressed.
- Due to lack of happy hormone, the body faces deficiency of dopamine and serotonin, the effect of which is visible on gut health.
- The person starts considering himself insecure. One feels the lack of a partner and the person starts feeling insecure.
Know the 5 red flags of long distance relationship (Red flags in long-distance relationship)
1. Inability to communicate
Increasing communication gap can increase mutual misunderstanding in a long-distance relationship. Due to not being available on messages and calls, the distance between two people starts increasing, the effect of which is visible on their relationship. Sometimes on the pretext of being busy, sometimes due to mood swings, sometimes due to increased stress, lack of communication is like a red flag in a relationship.
2. Making you feel guilty
In a long distance relationship, unnecessarily scaring your partner and accusing him of lying are signs of gaslighting. Such people want to control their partners in a manipulative manner and keep trying to mold them as per their wish. This makes the other person feel guilty and underestimate himself in the relationship. In this situation, the narcissist partner starts considering the other person's feelings as unimportant, which is a red flag in the relationship.
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3. Hiding things from each other
Often people's feelings start changing due to being away and they hesitate in sharing everything with their partner. Sometimes some things seem small to see and hear, but if you discuss them with your partner, then the love between the two remains intact.
Especially in a long distance relationship, hiding information about a new friend, new item or new job from your partner can create a rift in the relationship. If your partner also hesitates to include you in his decisions, then this is an alarming sign in the relationship.
4. Love bombing or complete silence
When apart from each other, both people try their best to maintain love. But gifts on small things, praise at every moment and efforts to keep one happy indicate love bombing. Actually, gift is called token of love. But frequent gifts can also be a way to mold your partner to your wishes. Also, it is no less than a conspiracy to get your partner to agree to your point of view. After this, the partner starts adopting arbitrary attitude, which can hollow the relationship.
5. Cancel pre-planned plans at any time
Through online meetings and video calls, people are often able to stay close to each other even when they are far away. But if your partner is missing scheduled calls all the time or is not paying you attention, then it starts increasing the rift in the relationship. Avoiding your partner's talks or calls can be a sign of the entry of a third person in the relationship.
What to do
- Talk to your partner as per his needs and try to understand him. This increases sweetness in relationships.
- Be sure to take your partner's consent in every decision. Due to this, both the importance of the partner in the relationship and his/her importance in life start increasing.
- Despite your busy schedule, make time for your partner and plan meetings from time to time. This helps in understanding.
- Appreciate your partner even for small efforts. This helps in motivating the partner.