
Side effects of Hustle Culture on health – Hustle Culture ke side effects

If you also think that working long hours, working without leave or opening the laptop even on weekends are professional requirements of today's time, then you are also a victim of hustle culture. Believe me, this is a silent killer for your heart and mind.

This is an era of expectations in a fast-paced world. Everyone has a lot of expectations and expectations from themselves. However, having expectations and dreaming is necessary to move ahead in life. But sometimes the burden of expectations becomes heavy on the heart and mind. In fact, some youth believe that to achieve success, being constantly busy and working for long hours is the right option. This idea that grows in the minds of youth due to expectations and desire for success is called 'hustle culture'. This rapidly growing hustle culture is posing major threats to the health of both heart and mind.

Understand what is Hustle culture

In a world full of expectations and dreams, most people are becoming victims of hustle culture. People chasing material standards of success have started considering immersing themselves completely in work as an essential condition for success. If you keep an eye on some things, it can be understood that you too are not entangled in an environment of hustle culture.

In fact, hustle culture is not just an individual behavior, but it is a collective culture seen in many companies, which ultimately affects everyone working there.

Hustle culture is not just an individual behavior, rather this culture is seen collectively in many companies. Image: Shutterstock

These are some common examples of hustle culture.

– Management putting pressure on its employees to stay longer or work overtime is an example of hustle culture. The management feels that only the employees who devote more time think well of the company and can move forward.

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– It is also the same for your seniors and co-workers to always encourage each other to give more importance to office work than any other work in life. In such an environment, people are not able to maintain a balance between office and home.

In today's competitive environment, some people have got this idea in their mind that until you get tired, you will consider that no work has been done. Some people, in an attempt to appear dedicated to work, work without paying attention to sleep and wakefulness.

In this era of material success, many people have assumed that success means only how much wealth they have accumulated. This is a great example of hustle culture. Due to such thinking, people often keep working completely forgetting their comfort and convenience.

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or overwork. Image: Adobe Stock

This is how it causes side effects

Hustle culture has adverse effects both physically and mentally. By continuing to work like this, symptoms start appearing after some time, which indicate that you are surrounded by the side effects of hustle culture and you have to try to get out of it as soon as possible. It is very important to keep an eye on such symptoms.

Hustle culture side effects on health

1 Burnout may occur

You may become a victim of burnout due to hustle culture. Working continuously without rest causes extreme physical and mental fatigue. This affects the functioning of the brain. There is difficulty in taking decisions.

Working continuously without rest causes extreme physical and mental fatigue.

2 Risk of Anxiety

Continuing to do such work increases the risk of anxiety. This often leads to guilt and fear of defeat or losing something. This condition can further lead to depression.

3 Problems with sleep

Hustle culture has the biggest impact on sleep. The person does not get enough sleep, due to which gradually the problem of insomnia arises and then he is unable to sleep even after trying. Even while sleeping, I have work related dreams.

Heart is also at risk (Hustle culture effect on heart health)

Due to hustle culture, along with mental problems, heart health is also at risk. Working in this way affects the heart in the following ways:

The biggest risk due to hustle culture is stress cardiomyopathy. Health experts say that working continuously for a long time increases the level of stress. In such a situation, the risk of cardiomyopathy increases due to excessive stress. In this, the heart muscles start becoming weak and the functioning of the heart is also affected. However, if you get rid of stress by changing your lifestyle and consult a cardiologist, this condition can be cured.

Apart from this, there is also a risk of obesity due to lack of adequate sleep, irregular daily routine and wrong eating habits, which ultimately affects the heart. Taking excessive stress increases cortisol hormone, which causes many diseases in the body. This also has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart. This also increases the risks of heart attack and cardiac arrest.

Working continuously for a long time increases the level of stress. In such a situation, the risk of cardiomyopathy increases due to excessive stress. Image- Adobe Stock

take precautionary steps

It is good to be dedicated to work, but balance is equally important. So go ahead with work and normal life balance. Don't let yourself become a part of the blind race for success. Keep in mind that the real meaning of success is not only acquiring wealth but also maintaining good health and trustworthy relationships. If you feel that you are becoming a victim of hustle culture and are unable to get out of it even if you try, then do not hesitate to seek professional help.

Also read – Small breaks prevent burnout, here are 5 super effective tips to save you from workplace stress

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