Signs of burnout – Burnout ke sanket

In the corporate sector, sleep hours may be less, but postponing today's work to tomorrow increases work pressure. While working under such pressure, a person becomes a victim of burnout, which has a negative impact on mental health.

Everyone wants to get a 9 to 6 job in a big company, but no one knows when that 9-hour job becomes a 12-hour job. Sometimes the workload of meetings, assignments, and sometimes brainstorming sessions, along with work, keeps increasing on the employees. The poor employee is riding a rollercoaster every moment. Now work pressure (side effects of work pressure) starts becoming the cause of stress. Actually, morning turns to evening and the person gets tired while working. But the work is still waiting for you, which starts stretching till the weekend despite not wanting it. Due to these reasons, many people like Ana become victims of cardiac arrest due to work pressure. Know the whole case of Ana and burnout (signs of burnout) Tips to avoid it.

In corporate companies, sleep hours may be less, but postponing today's work to tomorrow increases work pressure. While working under such pressure, a young woman suffered a cardiac arrest. After completing her CA studies, Ana Sebastian started working in a Pune based company. Ana was mentally and emotionally exhausted after five months of this job.

Due to this, Ana was not able to sleep properly. Living alone away from parents and facing stress had become really stressful. A few days ago, while meeting her parents, she complained of chest pain, which was examined. But due to workload, Ana could not rest and suffered a cardiac arrest, which took her life. Let's know from psychiatrist Dr. Yuvraj Pant how to identify the signs of burnout.

Postponing today's work to tomorrow increases work pressure. : Adobe Stock

How to know if you're getting burnout

1. Lack of sleep

The problem of not getting sleep on time increases due to stress. Actually, one has to face anxiety due to workload, due to which some or the other thought keeps going on in the mind throughout the night. Due to this, one has to face headache, fatigue and weakness throughout the day. But due to work pressure, most of the people become victims of insomnia.

2. Irritability increases

Often people's behavior starts changing. As work pressure increases, a person's worries start increasing. Due to this, irritability remains in behavior. Due to increased working hours, the body does not get enough rest. Due to this, a person is not able to find time for himself. In such a situation, he remains surrounded by problems.

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3. The person starts becoming less social

Day by day, sociality starts decreasing. The person hesitates to take part in entertaining things and remains busy with his work throughout the day. This reduces the social circle and the level of stress starts increasing, which becomes the cause of burnout.

Day by day, socializing starts to decline. The person hesitates to take part in entertaining things. Picture: Shutterstock

4. Feeling lack of energy

Working till late night reduces the energy level in the body. Now the workload increases physical and mental fatigue. The person starts feeling weakness in the body, but still remains engaged in work. This has a bad effect on health and the person starts becoming a victim of burnout.

Follow these tips to avoid burnout (Tips to deal with burnout)

1. Time management is important

If you have a lot of work and limited time, then divide the tasks according to the time. This helps in completing the work on time. Apart from this, avoid wasting time on screen time and other tasks.

2. Work by understanding your physical capabilities

Proceed to do any work only after recognizing your physical capacity. This increases the quality of work and the person feels relaxed. Also, a high level of energy remains in the body. Do not postpone your work of today till tomorrow.

Proceed to do any work only after recognizing your physical ability. This increases the quality of work

3. Take breaks along with work

To get quality work, it is important to keep the brain relaxed. For this, give yourself time and take small breaks during work. This improves efficiency and helps in completing the work on time. In fact, taking breaks can prevent burnout.

4. Take help of yoga and meditation

To remain stress free throughout the day, wake up in the morning and do some yoga and meditation. This boosts mental health and can prevent physical problems. Apart from this, moderate exercise also maintains the balance of the body.

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