
Some healthy morning routine for heart health – hriday swasthy ke liye kuchh healthy morning routine

The way we start our day can impact our overall health, especially heart health. Therefore, by improving your morning habits, you can create a healthy heart.

Cardiac health i.e. heart related problems is a common topic of concern in today's generation. Don't know how many people are losing their lives every day due to heart attack. In today's time, heart disease is not limited only to the elderly, its risk is increasing rapidly among the youth also. Blockages in energy and blood vessels, even our hectic lifestyle, stress and anxiety are having a negative impact on our heart health. In this situation, we all need to be especially conscious about our heart health. To maintain heart health, you should be conscious about your heart from a young age, so that you do not have regrets later (morning routine for healthy heart).

Yoga Institute founder and health coach Hansa Ji Yogendra has told a very simple way to maintain heart health. The way we start our day can impact our overall health, especially heart health. Therefore, by improving your morning habits, you can create a healthy heart. So let us know, some such healthy morning routines which will help you in promoting cardiac health (morning routine for healthy heart).

Learn some healthy morning routine here (morning routine for healthy heart)

1. Do stretching first when you wake up

When you wake up in the morning, you feel stiffness in your body. It seems that the body has become stable at one place. To avoid this situation, as soon as you wake up in the morning, sit on the bed and stretch your body. Doing stretching exercises increases blood circulation in your body, which gives relief to the muscles. At the same time the body becomes ready to function normally. Apart from this, it also helps your bobtail movements to remain regular.

Stretching exercises will prove to be more effective in relieving neck pain. Image: Shutterstock

2. Drink lukewarm water after stretching

After stretching exercises, go to the kitchen and drink a glass of lukewarm water. Always try to drink water while sitting. Drinking lukewarm water after waking up in the morning activates the digestion process and prevents digestive problems like bloating, gas, acidity. Along with this, it also becomes easier for you to pass stool.

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Digestive problems also negatively affect heart health, so it is very important to take care of digestive health. If you want, you can add lemon juice to your water. Vitamin C and antioxidants are found in lemon, which protect your heart health.

Also read: Heart Health: Cortisol and cholesterol both are enemies of your heart, know how to protect yourself from them.

3. Make a habit of walking

Make it a habit to wake up in the morning and go for a walk regularly. Even a 10 to 15 minute walk in the morning in an open environment provides many benefits to your health. Especially it is very beneficial for your heart health. This regulates blood pressure and also increases metabolic rate. In this way, extra fat does not accumulate in the body and your arteries remain completely healthy.

Sunlight regulates the sleep cycle, helping you get a better sleep. Image – Shutterstock

4. Spend some time in sunlight

Wake up every morning and spend some time in the sun's rays. The morning sun rays are not very hot, it is very important to enjoy the cool sunshine. Sunlight regulates the sleep cycle, helping you get a better sleep. A good sleep is very important to promote heart health.

Along with this, serotonin receptors increase the production of serotonin hormone, which helps you to be happy from within. In this way, the effects of emotions like stress and anxiety do not dominate you. Try to take a walk in the cool morning sunlight. In this way you will be able to do two tasks simultaneously.

5. Breathing Exercise

If you do not feel like going to the gym or doing an intense workout after waking up in the morning, then you can start your day with breathing exercises. Participate in deep breathing exercises before going for a walk or after returning from it. This will prove to be extremely beneficial for you both physically and mentally.

However, meditation is also a good option, but not everyone is able to meditate, so at least you should do deep breathing exercises. It promotes regulation of blood circulation and oxygen in the body. Also good for nervous system and heart health.

Meditation is also a good option, but not everyone is able to meditate, so at least you should do deep breathing exercises. Image: Adobe Stock

6. Choose healthy breakfast options

If you eat fried or roasted food after waking up in the morning, then the risk of heart related problems increases the most. Therefore consumption of health dishes is advised. Include foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids in your diet, known as an important nutrient for heart health. Due to this, along with blood pressure, cholesterol level in the body also remains normal. Thus helping in building a healthy heart health.

Also read: Signs of Heart Blockage: Know from these signs that the risk of heart blockage has started increasing in the body.

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