Step by step recipe of Sattu bars,- Sattu bars ki step by step recipe

Sattu is a great option to keep the diet balanced. Rich in soluble fiber, Sattu provides energy to the body quickly and prevents fatigue. Try this recipe of Sattu Bars to add sweetness and keep your body active during the festive season.

Sattu is counted among those traditional foods, which have been included in the diet for centuries for their taste, aroma, properties and texture. This superfood, prepared by grinding roasted gram, is mostly drunk by mixing it in water to avoid the rising temperatures of summer. But in this splendor of celebrations and festivals, recipes prepared from Sattu add nutrition to the diet along with taste. This provides both freshness and nutrition. So let's go to the kitchen and prepare Sattu bars recipe.

According to the International Journal of Research and Reviews, Sattu, rich in soluble fiber, quickly provides energy to the body and prevents fatigue. Sattu has high amount of iron, manganese and magnesium and low amount of sodium. It works as a cooling agent in the body. Controls gas, constipation and acidity. The iron content found in it helps in reducing hair fall and enhancing the quality of hair by improving oxygen access.

Why is Sattu special (Importance of Sattu)

Regarding this, dietician Manisha Goyal tells that by consuming Sattu, the body gets plant based protein. By including it in the diet regularly, the body gets fiber, protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals. Apart from this, the body also gets vitamins from dates. Also, the risk of dehydration in the body starts reducing. With the help of these bars, the body gets nutrition by keeping the sugar level under control.

Rich in soluble fiber, Sattu provides energy to the body quickly and prevents fatigue.

Benefits of Sattu to the body

1. Control diabetes

Due to its low glycemic index, blood sugar level remains controlled. This slows down the release of glucose in the blood. Also, the amount of fiber found in it helps in preventing blood sugar spike.

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2. Increase energy level

According to the report of Research Gate, consuming Sattu rich in complex carbs, minerals and proteins causes allergies in the body. This maintains the balance of the body and can prevent fatigue and weakness that persists every moment. By eating this the electrolyte balance in the body is maintained. Consuming it before workout boosts stamina in the body.

3. Improve gut health

Iron, magnesium and potassium are found in fiber-rich Sattu. This reduces the risk of acidity and bloating and keeps the bowel movement controlled. High levels of fiber and minerals help detoxify toxins in the body. Apart from this, the effect of good bacteria in the intestine increases. This provides relief from digestive disorders. The soluble fiber present in it helps in cleaning the colon and keeps the gut walls healthy.

Iron, magnesium and potassium are found in fiber-rich Sattu. This reduces the risk of acidity and bloating

4. Improves cholesterol levels

Sattu is a great option to keep the diet balanced. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are found in it. By controlling cholesterol in the body, heart diseases can be cured. The amount of potassium found in it keeps blood pressure under control, due to which the blood flow in the body remains regular.

5 It is high protein

Sattu plant is a major source of best protein. According to USDA, 20 to 25 grams of protein is obtained from 100 sattu. This helps in muscle building and weight loss. Apart from this, the body gets fiber, calcium, iron and magnesium from Sattu.

6 Beneficial for skin and hair too

High amount of iron is found in Sattu, due to which the oxygen level in the body starts improving. Due to this, the problem of hairfall and dry skin gets solved. By consuming it regularly, the quality of hair starts improving.

With the help of these bars, the body gets nutrition by keeping the sugar level under control.

Sattu bars recipe

To make this you need

Gram Sattu 1 cup
Seedless Dates 5 to 6
coconut powder 1/2 cup
Roasted Almonds 2 tsp
Flax seeds 1 teaspoon
Ghee 2 spoons

How to make Sattu Bars

  • First of all, prepare Sattu by taking roasted gram and on the other side keep the dates seedless.
  • To make this, first of all mix coconut powder, seedless dates, flax seeds and almonds in a jar, blend them and grind them coarsely.
  • Now add Sattu in this mixture and blend it again. Take out the prepared mixture in a bowl and mix it well.
  • Put ghee in the pan, add the mixture and cook on low flame. Now take it out in a pre-greased plate.
  • Press it well and keep it in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours to set.
  • After it is completely ready, cut it into pieces as per your requirement and prepare healthy Sattu Bars.

Read this also- The easiest way to lose weight is black gram sattu, know how it works

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