
Tips to improve bone density,- tips to improve bone density

After menopause, bone density in women starts decreasing rapidly. According to research, half of women over 50 suffer fractures in the hips, wrist or spine in their lifetime.

The increasing weakness in bones with age starts causing many physical problems. In fact, irregular eating habits, lack of nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle prove to be the reason for weakening of bone density. Due to this, there is a risk of getting injured again and again. Also, not being able to take care of bone health for a long time increases the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis in the body. Let us know which easy tips help in strengthening bone density (ways to boost bone density).

In this regard, dietician Dr. Aditi Sharma says that to maintain bone density, bring general changes in the diet. For this, consume green leafy vegetables, cheese, figs, plant-based milk and yogurt in your diet. Apart from this, also include nuts and seeds. Workout is essential to take care of bone health. Warming up before exercise also strengthens the muscles. Also, to keep the body healthy, it is important to maintain a balanced weight.

Nearly three-quarters of hip fractures occur in women. Image: Shutterstock

According to Health Harvard report, after menopause, bone density in women starts decreasing rapidly. The problem of osteoporosis, which weakens bones, starts increasing in women compared to men. More likely to develop. Nearly three-quarters of hip fractures occur in women. According to research by the National Institutes of Health, half of women over 50 suffer a hip, wrist or spine fracture in their lifetime.

Follow these tips to improve bone density (Tips to improve bone density)

1. Increase calcium intake

According to the National Institutes of Health, calcium is the main mineral found in bones. Consuming it in large quantities also helps in absorption. According to the study, women need 1200 mg calcium in a day while teenagers need 1300 mg. This helps in repairing bone cells and increasing their production.

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Calcium is the main mineral found in bones. Consuming it in large quantities also helps in absorption.

2. Maintain a balanced weight

During menopause, the strength of bones starts decreasing due to low level of estrogen in the body of women. Apart from this, those people who are overweight or underweight, its effect is visible on the bones. According to the National Institute of Health, obesity reduces bone strength and increases the risk of injury. Apart from this, bone density starts decreasing due to low body weight. In such a situation, healthy weight management is necessary to strengthen bones.

3. Strength Training Exercises

The flexibility of bones starts decreasing with age. In such a situation, apart from medicines, it is necessary to do workouts to prevent the problem. This increases muscle strength and helps in keeping bones strong. For this, make sure to warm up before exercising. This protects the body from dangers like early fatigue and sprains during exercise. At the same time, due to cool down after exercise, the body remains active and healthy throughout the day. By exercising for 30 minutes daily, increasing pain in the body can be reduced.

The flexibility of bones starts decreasing with age. In such a situation, apart from medicines, it is necessary to do workouts to prevent the problem. Image: Shutterstock

4. Avoid low calorie diet

To reduce the increasing obesity in the body, most women choose the option of low calorie diet. According to the National Institute of Health report, obese women consumed 925 calories daily for 4 months. Due to this he suffered from lack of bone density in his hips and back. In such a situation, to maintain bone density, take 1200 calories a day, including plenty of vitamins, minerals and proteins.

5. Diet should be rich in nutrition

Increase the intake of magnesium and zinc to strengthen the body. According to research, 73,000 women consumed 400 mg of magnesium daily. Due to this, 2 to 3 percent improvement in bone density was seen in his body. Apart from this, joint pain and fatigue can be avoided with Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Also, this problem can be avoided by adding vitamin C to the diet.

Increase the intake of magnesium and zinc to strengthen the body.

6. Avoid hormonal imbalance

High levels of thyroid hormone present in the body damage the bones. Actually, due to decline in estrogen levels in women, bone loss increases during menopause. Due to this, there is a risk of increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

7. Sit in correct posture

Working continuously while sitting in the same posture throughout the day increases fatigue and strain in the body. This increases the severity of muscle pain. In such a situation, adopt correct posture to strengthen the muscles and take breaks in between work.

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