Tips to increase the smoothness of hands,- Tips to increase the smoothness of hands
Due to change in weather, its effect becomes visible on skin and hair. Apart from this, the lack of collagen in the skin and damage to the skin cells with age starts causing wrinkles in the hands.
The effects of increasing age and changes in weather are visible not only on the face but also on the hands. Due to increased stretch in the skin, dryness is felt and wrinkles start appearing. However, most people use various types of lotions, creams and moisturizers to reduce the wrinkles growing on their hands. But unwanted dryness returns again. Apart from cosmetics, some household ingredients prove helpful in solving this problem. If you are also troubled by wrinkles on your hands, then take help of these home remedies.
Regarding this, Ayurveda expert Dr. Ankur Tanwar says that due to change in weather, its effect becomes visible on skin and hair. Apart from this, the lack of collagen in the skin and damage to skin cells with age increases this problem. Besides, sun exposure, smoking, irregularity in eating habits and dehydration also cause dryness of the skin. To avoid this, Aloe Vera, rich in hydrating properties, is an effective solution and the moisturizing properties found in coconut also soften the skin of the hands and remove wrinkles.
Know how to increase the smoothness of hands (Home remedies to get rid of wrinkles on hand)
1. Rice and fenugreek seeds
While fenugreek seeds rich in Vitamin C increases the elasticity of the skin, rice paste helps in making the skin smooth. For this, soak one spoon fenugreek seeds overnight. Now prepare a paste by mixing soaked rice in it. Keep this paste on your hands for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash your hands. Due to this, the skin of the hands starts looking smooth and shiny.
2. Aloe Vera Gel
According to the National Institute of Health, aloe vera gel is a very effective remedy to remove wrinkles growing on the skin of the hands. Its continuous use for 90 days helps in skin nourishment. This keeps the skin hydrated and the amount of collagen also remains maintained. Apply it on your hands before sleeping at night. This keeps the skin soft.
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3. Coconut Oil and Alum
Mix coconut oil, rich in moisturizing properties, with alum powder, rich in anti-bacterial properties. Now apply it on hands and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. After that wash hands with normal water. Applying it twice a day reduces the tension on the skin and also provides relief from skin rashes.
4. Banana and almond oil
Prepare banana paste and add a few drops of almond oil to it. Almond oil rich in Vitamin E helps in deep nourishment of the skin by increasing its elasticity. The amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants present in banana helps in removing skin wrinkles by reducing the effect of free radicals. Using it daily is beneficial.
5. Avocado Hand Mask
Apart from fatty acids, the properties of Vitamin C and E are also found in avocado. This keeps the skin moisturized and glowing. To keep the skin free from wrinkles, mixing honey in one spoon avocado and applying it on hands is beneficial for the skin.
Keep these things in mind to avoid wrinkles on hands (Tips to avoid wrinkles on hand)
- Don't forget to moisturize your hands after washing them. This maintains the moisture of the skin.
- Before leaving the house, apply sunscreen on your hands as well as your face. With this, the effects of UV rays on the skin can be avoided.
- Avoid washing hands with scented soap. This increases the effect of chemicals on the skin, which increases wrinkles.
- Be sure to exfoliate your hands. With this, the problem of allergies and dead skin cells on the skin can be avoided. Also the skin remains smooth.