
Try these home remedies for cracked heels – try these home remedies for cracked heels

Dryness has started appearing in the heels, and slight cracks have appeared in them. So do not wait for the problem to increase, start focusing on treating it from the beginning (crack heel home remedy).

Due to increased dryness in cold weather, cracks start appearing in the heels of the feet, due to which the heels look rough and strange. In such a situation, women are not able to wear open heeled sandals and slippers. At times, due to increasing cracks in the heels, dust and dirt enter them, due to which the risk of infection increases. Therefore, start taking care of your heels as soon as winter starts. If the heels have started becoming dry and there are slight cracks in them. So do not wait for the problem to increase, start focusing on treating it from the beginning (crack heel home remedy).

There are many special home remedies that can help you treat cracked heels. So take care of your heels this winter with health shots. Try these special home remedies (crack heel home remedy).

Try these special home remedies for cracked heels (crack heel home remedy)

1. Soak and Exfoliate

Soak your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes every week. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and salt to the water and soak your feet in the water. Soaking your feet will hydrate your skin and make it easier for the pumice stone to do its job. After soaking your feet, you can gently exfoliate the dead skin with the help of a pumice stone (crack heel home remedy). “Avoid shaving or using calluses as this can lead to infection and cellulitis, especially for people with diabetes.”

Almond oil rich in Vitamin E helps in deep nourishment of the skin by increasing its elasticity. Image: Adobe Stock

2. Banana Mask

Bananas contain abundant amounts of nutrients. It contains vitamins A, B6 and C, which help maintain skin elasticity and keep the skin completely hydrated. Banana is a natural moisturizer, which keeps the feet moist and prevents the skin from becoming dry.

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Mash 2 ripe bananas and make a smooth paste. Avoid raw banana as it contains acids, which are not good for the skin. Apply the paste all over the foot, including the nails and the sides of the toe. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your feet with normal water. Apply it continuously for 2 weeks for proper results.

3. Foot mask made from honey

Honey is considered a natural antiseptic, which helps in healing cracked heels. It is also a good humectant, which provides moisture to the skin and does not allow the skin to dry. Moreover, the soothing property of honey helps in rejuvenating the skin.

Mix 1 cup of honey in a tub of warm water, clean feet and soak them in this mixture. Massage gently for 20 minutes. Then dry your feet and apply moisturizer. Repeat this regularly before sleeping for a few weeks.

During winter season, dryness in the environment increases and the body has to face lack of moisture. images adobestock

3. Rice Flour, Honey and Vinegar Foot Mask

Rice flour works as a wonderful natural exfoliator, which helps in removing dead skin cells and providing adequate nourishment to the skin. Honey is a natural antiseptic that has the ability to heal cracked feet, and vinegar is a mild acid that helps moisturize dry and dead skin. Which makes it very easy to exfoliate.

Prepare a thick paste by mixing all the ingredients. Soak your feet in lukewarm water for 10 minutes, then pat them dry. Then apply this mixture, and gently scrub your feet. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week for proper results.

4. Vaseline and lemon juice

The acidic properties of lemon, combined with the moisturizing effect of Vaseline, can easily soothe dry skin and cracked heels.

Soak your feet in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes. Mix together 1 teaspoon Vaseline and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your heels and other parts of your feet. Wear woolen socks overnight and wash them in the morning. Adopt this process regularly before sleeping.

Honey is very beneficial for your skin. Image: Shutterstock

To prevent cracked heels, follow these foot care methods

  • Soak your feet in plain water daily for about 10 minutes and clean them thoroughly. Dry them and apply moisturizer.
  • Gently scrub your feet with a scrubber to help remove dead skin cells.
    Massage with oil-based cream or petroleum jelly and wear cotton socks while sleeping to retain moisture.
  • Never ignore dry, cracked heels; if left untreated, they can lead to deep cracks, increasing the risk of infection.

Note: If the cracks in your heels have increased, or they have become infected, then do not apply household ingredients on them. These increase the infection further, hence apply antiseptic recommended by the doctor on the infected skin.

Also read: High Heels: If you wear high heels all day long, give comfort to your feet with these 5 relaxing exercises.

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