Ways to avoid uric acid,- Ways to avoid uric acid

Rich in probiotics, curd is beneficial in everything from maintaining a smooth digestive system to strengthening bones. But does consuming this superfood increase the level of uric acid in the body? Through research and experts, let us know what is the connection between curd and uric acid.

Due to many physical problems, the level of uric acid in the blood starts increasing. This increases the problem of swelling and cramps in hands and feet. There is no doubt that food unhealthy Habits and high amount of protein prove to be the main reasons for the increase in uric acid in the body. Actually, one has to face this problem due to not detoxifying the toxic substances present in the kidneys. Protein is also found in curd, so does it also increase uric acid? Let us know from experts whether eating curd can increase uric acid (Curd in uric acid).

Why does curd increase uric acid?

According to the National Institute of Health, the risk of this problem increases due to the body's digestion of purine-rich foods. It is filtered from the blood through the kidneys and urine. 6.8 mg More than one deciliter is called hyperuricemia. This increases the risk of gout and blood and urine start becoming acidic.

Regarding this, dietician Dr. Aditi Sharma tells that those foods are rich in purine. Consuming them frequently increases uric acid. However, there is almost no purine in curd. In such a situation, those people who are vegetarian have less risk of this problem due to curd. Those people who are non-vegetarian and eat non-veg, organ meat, red meat, fish in their diet, they should avoid eating curd.

This can increase uric acid in the body. Apart from curd, people suffering from this problem should also avoid eating tomatoes, large amounts of whole grains and mushrooms. By increasing the intake of curd with these things, this health problem can become serious.

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Those foods which contain purine content. Consuming them frequently increases uric acid.

Know what Ayurveda says

According to Ayurveda, curd contaminates the blood and affects the Vata Rasa, due to which there is pain and swelling in the joints. Actually, Ayurvedic expert Dr. Ankur Tanwar says that to reduce the amount of uric acid in the body, it is advised to stay away from dairy products. Its effect is also visible on digestion. A natural compound is found in the body during the absorption of purine rich foods, which causes uric acid.

Kidneys work to filter this element present in the blood. But when its quantity increases, kidney function starts getting hampered. This condition is called hyperuricemia.

A natural compound is found in the body during the absorption of purine rich foods, which causes uric acid.

But curd also has some benefits (Curd benefits for health)

1. Control blood pressure

According to the report of the National Institute of Health, curd reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Being rich in potassium and calcium, blood pressure can be controlled. By consuming it the body gets vitamins, minerals and riboflavin. Apart from this, the problem of heart diseases gets solved.

2. Boost the immune system

Apart from Vitamin D, zinc, selenium and magnesium are found in curd. With this, immunity can be increased by removing seasonal infections. Besides this, the increasing inflammation in the body can also be reduced.

3. Take care of gut health

By consuming it, the amount of good bacteria in the gut starts increasing. This improves digestion and helps in releasing toxic substances present in the body. Apart from this, it is also effective for those people who suffer from acidity, bloating and indigestion.

High amount of probiotics are found in curd. This helps in maintaining strong gut health. Image: Shutterstock

4. Effective in weight loss

Appetite can be controlled by including protein in the diet. This maintains the energy level in the body and can also prevent accumulation of calories. People who consume it regularly get help in burning extra fat.

If there is problem of uric acid then how to consume curd (How to consume curd in high uric acid)

According to experts, to avoid the problem of repeatedly increasing uric acid, avoid dessert products. Along with this, consume curd prepared from low fat milk. With this the protein level in the body can be controlled. Apart from this, consuming sour curd increases the level of probiotics in the body, which strengthens gut health. If you are non-vegetarian, do not consume curd because it increases the level of purine.

Keep things in mind to reduce uric acid (Tips to control uric acid)

1. Drink alkaline water

Drinking alkaline water regularly helps in detoxifying the uric acid present in the body. According to the National Institutes of Health, alkaline water regulates the fluid pH in the body. This provides relief from gout.
take apple cider vinegar

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in apple vinegar. The malic acid present in it keeps the uric acid level under control. To drink it, mix 1 teaspoon vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. This benefits health.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in apple vinegar. The malic acid present in it keeps the uric acid level under control. Image:Shutterstock

3. Eat almonds and walnuts

While magnesium is found in almonds, eating walnuts provides anti-inflammatory properties to the body. Antioxidants are found in it, which keeps the body free from the effects of free radicals. These low purine foods keep the body healthy.

4. Drink carrot and beetroot juice

Mix beetroot with carrot and drink the juice. This provides fiber to the body. Also, the amount of enzymes that increase uric acid can be reduced. It also helps in cell regeneration.

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