Ways to get rid of itching in thighs
During the summer season, people often have to face the problem of itching on the thighs, due to which the problem of itching, burning and pain persists throughout the day. However, itching on thighs also indicates many problems.
Due to frequent itching on the thighs, scratches and rashes appear on the skin. People often have to face this problem during the summer season, due to which the problem of itching, burning and pain persists throughout the day. Many measures are taken to get relief from this, but the problem remains as it is. However, itching on thighs also indicates many problems. Let us know the causes of itching on thighs and also the ways to avoid it.
Itching on any part of the body increases inflammation, which proves to be the cause of rashes. Dermatologist Dr Navraj Virk says that sweating in the summer season, skin dryness, consumption of medicines, synthetic clothes or mosquito bites can cause thigh itching. The problem persists. Lack of sebum in the skin starts causing the problem of itching. For this, it is necessary to keep the skin moisturized and hydrated. Also wear breathable clothes and avoid using products containing chemicals.
Know the reasons due to which the problem of itching on thighs increases (Causes of itchy thighs)
1. Lack of sebum secretion
According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the secretion of sebum on the skin decreases with increasing age. Due to this, dryness in the skin increases, which proves to be the cause of itching. Apart from this, hot shower increases the causes of skin dryness. Apart from this, a stretch is felt in the skin. Prolonged itching increases rashes and redness on the skin.
2. Risk of allergies
According to the National Institute of Health, allergens present in the environment start causing itching on the thighs. These allergens are found both indoor and outdoor. Apart from this, working for hours while sitting on a chair also increases this problem. Its contact dermatitis also increases this problem. Due to this, itching in the legs increases. This problem also increases by applying nail paint and perfume.
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3. Risk of diabetes
According to research by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, blood circulation decreases due to diabetes. Due to this, itching, redness, inflammation and skin related problems start increasing. Due to high blood sugar level, the skin of the legs starts feeling dry and there is a risk of inflammation.
4. Wearing synthetic clothes
During the summer season, due to frequent sweating, moisture starts accumulating in the skin, due to which the itching of the thighs increases. Due to this, itching persists in jock itch and thighs. Besides, not changing clothes immediately after sweating in the gym also increases rashes on the skin. In such a situation, wear breathable cotton clothes and also take care of hygiene.
Know the ways to get rid of itching in thighs (Tips to deal with itchy thighs)
1. Moisturize the skin
Use moisturizer twice a day to prevent skin dryness. Don't forget to apply moisturizer on your thighs especially after bathing and before sleeping. With this the problem of itching can be avoided. This reduces the flakiness of the skin and increases its flexibility.
2. Take an oatmeal bath
To get relief from itching and to provide smoothness to the skin, take oatmeal bath. With this, the itching on the skin can be reduced. Also the elasticity of the skin starts increasing. For this, mix oatmeal powder and Epsom salt in the bathtub before bathing. This maintains the smoothness of the skin.
3. Avoid taking hot showers
To reduce increased dryness of the skin, avoid bathing with hot water. After bathing with hot water, the skin loses moisture and then dryness starts increasing. Bathing with lukewarm water provides relief to the skin.
4. Take help of cold press
Itching can be reduced by wrapping ice in a cold compress or handkerchief and massaging it on the thighs. Also, the problem of rashes increasing due to itching is solved. With the help of ice, inflammation on the skin gets relieved and the skin remains healthy.