Why does one get flu during the rainy season? Know the reasons and prevention measures - rainy season me flu ke karan aur bachav ke upay

Why does one get flu during the rainy season? Know the reasons and prevention measures – rainy season me flu ke karan aur bachav ke upay

Taking a bath, going on a long drive, eating something spicy in the rainy season is no less than a celebration. But this season also brings with it some diseases. Flu is one such problem that occurs in the rainy season, knowing about which can be an important way to prevent it.

Who doesn’t like the arrival of monsoon? In this season, the raindrops provide relief from the scorching heat. But in this season, the risk of many diseases also increases. Especially for the elderly and small children. Whose immunity is weak. If you are a working mother, then in this season you may have to take extra care of the health of both you and your children. In this season, apart from other water and mosquito-borne diseases, the risk of flu also increases. Therefore, it is important that to protect your children from flu in monsoon, you also know well about the myths and facts related to it.

To know why monsoon flu often occurs and how to protect our children from it, we spoke to Dr. L. N. Taneja. Dr. Taneja is a senior pediatrician. Currently, he is the Principal Consultant at Max Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi. Dr. Taneja is telling the truth about monsoon flu and some popular beliefs about it.

Myth: Getting wet in the rain causes flu.
Fact: Flu is caused by a virus, not by getting wet in the rain.

There are actually four types of flu viruses and they emerge in the winter and humid seasons. Therefore, their spread increases during the monsoon. Children can get affected by these viruses even if they get wet in the rain or stay away from rain water throughout the season.

While it is true that staying wet for a long time weakens the immune system of children, which increases the risk of catching infections like flu. Vaccines can protect children from such viruses and prevent them from catching the flu.

Myth: Keeping children indoors during monsoon can prevent flu.
Truth: Children can get flu infection from anywhere inside or outside the home.

Flu spreads through tiny droplets formed in the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can also settle on objects or surfaces, such as school desks, toys or doors. In such a situation, if children touch their nose or mouth after touching such a surface, they can become victims of infection.

Flu vaccination can protect children from such flu and the complications caused by it. Apart from this, it is also very important to encourage children to wash their hands with soap and water from time to time and teach them to avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth unnecessarily.

Myth: A flu shot before the monsoons can protect you from flu for life.
Truth: To prevent flu, one needs to get vaccinated every year.

Like ‘shapeshifters’, flu viruses keep changing their form every year. That is why vaccination is required every year to protect against them. Every year, WHO updates the formulation to prepare the flu vaccine based on the analysis of the virus at that time. That is why it is important to vaccinate your children every year to protect them from flu.

All necessary steps should be taken to keep children safe during monsoon. Sometimes flu causes some serious problems like difficulty in breathing. Due to which they may have to be hospitalized. Even in normal cases, sometimes children take several weeks to recover completely and they may face some complications.

Don’t let your children fall prey to the flu this monsoon. Talk to your pediatrician about the flu vaccine today.

Read this also- Due to these 4 reasons, you may get cold-cough-fever again and again, keep some important things in mind to stay healthy

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