
Why is strength training exercise important for women?

Strength training is an important part of an overall fitness program. It helps in developing your strength and muscles. You get many benefits by doing strength training, know how you can start it.

Strength training, also known as weight training or resistance training, not only helps increase physical strength, but it also strengthens mental health and self-confidence. Especially for women, strength training is important as it gives them the strength to face unexpected and unsafe situations in today's world. It is also helpful in strengthening bones, promoting metabolism and improving mental health.

Know here why strength training is important for women

Muscle size naturally decreases with age. If you don't rebuild the muscle you've lost, your body fat percentage will increase over time. Strength training can help maintain and increase your muscle mass at any age.

Make bones strong:

When you do strength training, your bones are stressed. Due to which bone density can increase and the risk of problems like osteoporosis can be reduced.

Manages weight:

Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it helps you burn more calories by increasing your metabolism.

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Improves life quality:

It can improve your lifestyle and increase your ability to complete daily activities. It can also protect your joints from injury. Building muscle can contribute to better balance and reduce the risk of falls.

Provides relief from chronic problems:

Can reduce symptoms of many chronic conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes. Sharpen your thinking abilities: Regular strength training and aerobic exercise can improve the thinking and learning abilities of the elderly.

Weight loss may include losing fat, water weight, and some muscle mass. Image- Adobe Stock

Women can rely on these 4 strength training exercises

1.Courtesy Lunges Glutes:

Curtsy lunges torch the glutes and outer thighs, while improving lower body strength and muscle symmetry.

How to do:

1. Open your feet hip-width apart, hold the ends of the resistance band near your breasts with both hands.
2. Take a big step backward with the left foot, crossing it behind the right foot. Bend the knees and lower the hips until the left thigh is almost level with the floor.
3. Keep the upper body straight and the hips and shoulders as straight as possible.
4. Return to starting position. Repeat 15 times for each leg.

Also read: Kegel Exercise: If you want to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, then avoid making these 5 mistakes in Kegel exercise.

2. Kettlebell Swings:

Kettlebell swings build power and acceleration and activate the muscles of your back, including the glutes, hamstrings and lower back.

How to do:

1. Hold a kettlebell with both hands and feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2. Push the hips back, bend the knees and place the kettlebell on the floor in front of you.
3. Then bring it between your legs, immediately squeeze your glutes and thrust the hips forward so that the weight swings to shoulder height. Keep your arms straight and core tight.
4. Reverse the process, bringing the kettlebell between your legs again. Do this 15 times on both sides.

Strength training is beneficial for weight loss. Image:Shutterstock

3. Deadlifts

Deadlifts build total body strength and power, especially in the muscles of the lower back, including the hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

How to do:

1. Hold two dumbbells in both hands, feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent.

2.Place the weights in front of your thighs, palms facing your body.

3. Keeping knees slightly bent, push hips back and lower the dumbbells toward the floor, bending from the waist.

3. Stand up again by contracting your glutes. Repeat this process 15 times.

4. Wide Grip Bent-Over

Wide Grip Bent-Over Rows strengthen your middle back, shoulders and lats muscles. It helps in maintaining correct posture and increases back strength. Apart from this, it also activates the biceps.

How to do

1. Hold heavy dumbbells with an overhand grip, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart.

2.With a straight back and slightly bent legs, bend your upper body so that it is perpendicular to the ground.

3.Keep your elbows wide and palms facing your body.

4. Pull the dumbbells towards your chest while you exhale outward. Hold this for a breath, then inhale and return to the starting position.

5. Repeat this process 15 times.

Also read: Trampoline exercise: Trampoline exercise can burn more calories in less time, try these 5 variants.

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